Portuguese activity, aimed at seventh-year students, addresses the adjective phrase. Let's analyze the expressions that characterize beings? To do this, answer the questions based on the text that presents the Toy Museum, located in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais!
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Melodies from old music boxes, a century-old German doll, hand-painted wooden toys, games electronics from various eras… These are some examples of what is possible to find in the museum located in a house that is cultural heritage.
The story began in 1955, when Luiza de Azevedo Meyer, until then a three-year-old child, decided to collect her toys. Time passed and she kept the habit, also keeping those of her ten children and those of her 23 grandchildren.
Opened in 2016, after the death of its creator, the space now has 5,000 toys in the collection and another 800, from different countries, on display. Some are available to visitors, who can have fun playing on the patio or in the playroom. Classes are also offered on the history of toys and a workshop that teaches you how to build your own toy from recycled materials.
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Question 1 - There is an adjective phrase in the passage:
( ) “Melodies from old music boxes […]”
( ) “Time passed and she kept the habit […]”
( ) "Some are made available to visitors […]"
Question 2 - Highlight the adjective phrase that makes up this segment:
“[…] a centenary doll from Germany […]”
Question 3 - Rewrite the segment above, replacing the adjective phrase with the corresponding adjective:
Question 4 – In the excerpt “[…] hand-painted wooden toys […]”, the adjective phrase “wooden” expresses:
( ) origin
( ) matter
( ) specialty
Question 5 - Syntactically, the adjective phrase plays the role of:
( ) characterize a being.
( ) determine a noun.
( ) indicate any circumstances.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header