Portuguese activity, focused on students in the ninth year of elementary school, addresses the passive agent. It is the complement of a verb in the passive voice! How about analyzing the passive agents in the text by nature? So, answer the proposed questions!
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The National System of Conservation Units (SNUC) was created by the government in 2000. It represents the actions needed to curb the numerous threats that affect nature in Brazil, such as deforestation and illegal hunting. In addition, human communities that live close to natural environments and rely heavily on the use of resources provided by nature are also protected.
“Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine. Edition 240. Available in: .
Question 1 - The passive agent is the complement of a verb in the passive voice. In view of this statement, it can be said that there is an agent of the passive in the excerpt:
( ) “It represents the actions necessary to curb the numerous threats […]”
( ) “Furthermore, human communities that live close to natural environments […]”
( ) “[…] resources offered by nature are also protected.”
Question 2 - In the excerpt identified above, the passive verb expresses:
( ) an action of the agent of the liability.
( ) a state of the passive agent.
( ) a characteristic of the passive agent.
Question 3 - Underline the agent of the liability that makes up this period of the text:
"The National System of Conservation Units (SNUC) was created by the government in 2000."
Question 4 – Rewrite the period above so that the agent of the passive becomes the subject of the prayer in the active voice:
Question 5 - In the period underlined, the agent of the liability was expressed by:
( ) an adjective.
( ) a pronoun.
( ) a noun.
Question 6 – The passive agents, present in the text, are governed by the preposition:
( ) "The".
( ) "in".
( ) "per".
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.