Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, addresses the personal pronouns. Do you know when personal pronouns are straight? Do you know when they are oblique? Let's learn? To do so, answer the various questions that explore the personal pronouns (straight and oblique) in the text about the book the green boys, written by Cora Coralina!
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From two different plants, in the backyard of Casa Velha da Ponte, strange little creatures emerge. How to deal with the different, the new? The writer Cora Coralina, with the metaphor – the green boys – helps us to reflect on this. Vovó Cora tells her grandchildren what she calls an event and not a story. Suddenly Seu Vicente, the gardener at Casa Velha da Ponte, came across an unusual situation: in the backyard, among the plants that grow there, good and bad, two different plants appeared. He wanted to pull them out, but Grandma Cora told him -____ to let them grow. After a while, under the two plants, Vicente and Grandma Cora, surprised, found living beings, with all forms of miniature children. What to do? Destroy them? Hide them? Take care of them? Grandma Cora's unprejudiced and committed posture in relation to the strange reality teaches us to face unusual situations naturally, respect differences and act responsibly and consciousness.
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Question 1 - Carefully review this passage of the text. Then, underline the personal pronoun that composes it:
"Grandma Cora tells her grandchildren what she calls an event and not a story."
Question 2 - In the passage above, the personal pronoun is straight because it performs the function of:
( ) subject.
( ) object.
( ) complement.
Question 3 - In the sentence “I wanted to pluck them out […]”, the oblique pronoun “las” was used to resume:
( ) “weird little creatures”.
( ) “two different plants”.
( ) “children in miniatures”.
Question 4 – Note this sentence:
“[…] but Grandma Cora said-____ to let them grow.”
In the sentence above, the complement of the verb "said" is the oblique personal pronoun:
( ) "The".
( ) "O".
( ) "you".
Question 5 - The term "as" is an oblique personal pronoun in the sentence:
( ) “[…] to let them grow.”
( ) “After a while, under the two plants […]”
( ) “[…] with all forms of miniature children.”
Question 6 – In the excerpt “Destroy them? Hide them? Take care of them?”, the oblique personal pronouns work as:
( ) subjects of the verbs “destroy” and “hide”.
( ) direct objects of the verbs “destroy” and “hide”.
( ) indirect objects of the verbs “destroy” and “hide”.
Question 7 – In the part “[…] teaches us to face unusual situations naturally […]”, the highlighted oblique personal pronoun refers to:
( ) to the 1st staff of the plural.
( ) to the 2nd staff of the plural.
( ) to the 3rd person of the plural.
Question 8 – In “The teacher asked the students to read the book the green boys. But, the boy doesn't O found in the library.”, the underlined term works as:
( ) definite article.
( ) demonstrative pronoun.
( ) oblique personal pronoun.
Question 9 – In the prayer “The young man took the book the green boys ____________.", the space must be filled in with the oblique personal pronoun:
( ) "with you".
( ) "I can".
( ) “call you”.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header