Portuguese activity, suitable for students in the ninth year of elementary school and also for high school students, with the production of dissertation – argumentative text.
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Read the texts below and then make the text production according to the requested proposal.
Text I
Cyberactivism: Activism is born in networks and mobilizes the streets of the world. Cyberactivism is a recent term and consists of the use of the internet by politically motivated groups that seek to spread information and claims in order to seek support, debate and exchange information, organize and mobilize individuals for actions, inside and outside the network. Examples of this type of activism range from online petitions, creation of denunciation sites about a particular cause, organization and mobilization of protests and acts that take place outside the network.
Although the first forms of online activism date back to the early 1990s, recent movements in Brazil and around the world have shown the potential of this new form of reorganization.
In Iran, for example, in 2009, Twitter proved to be an important battleground in the virtual environment, after the re-election suspected of fraud by then-president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, which sparked protests and clashes with police Iranian. With rallies banned, Iranians used Twitter and YouTube to show the world what was really going on.
Cell phones and social networks also proved to be a powerful “weapon” in the June 2013 protests in Brazil. Betting on the network-street dynamic, it was through Facebook that the organizers of the MPL (Movimento Passe Livre) managed to join hundreds of thousands of people, most of whom participated in street protests in several cities Brazilian companies.
Text II
Media activism is an exercise in citizenship, says the researcher. For Neli de Mell0 Théry, people can and should put pressure on public authorities for social and environmental causes on the internet(…)
Participation on the WEB
Alex Piaz, from Instituto Socioambiental (ISA), remembered the success of water drop movement, who managed to place, for a week, the debate on Belo Monte in people's minds. The campaign video had more than five million views, and the petition garnered over 1.5 million signatures.
“With the emergence of the media, anyone can be an activist. But Facebook and social media aren't heroes. Unless you are connected to people with the same interest, the action will have no effect,” he said.
According to Ramirez, social networks help to viralize and accelerate a project, but social media does not exist without the presence. “We need to take away a little of the glamor we put in the networks. Everything is superficial on the internet”, he said.
The web coordinator of Greenpeace, Élcio Figueiredo, reinforced Ramirez's speech and said that for every action by the NGO, research work must be carried out in the streets. “Without it, there is no way to act in the digital world”.
Based on these texts and your knowledge, write an expository-argumentative text with at least 20 (twenty) lines, in the Portuguese language, on the subject:
Activism on social networks is an exercise in citizenship?
From this theme, argue about activism in social networks that took place in our country, give your opinion and justify your point of view. Present a title to the text. Correction elements: cohesion, coherence, punctuation, paragraph, title and characteristics of the expository-argumentative textual type.
Good Production!
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva
At answers are in the link above the header.
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