Literature Activity, proposed for first-year high school students, with questions about Luis Vaz de Camões, his biography and works.
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1) Check the alternative incorrect:
a) ( ) Camões served as a soldier in North Africa, where, wounded in combat, he lost his right eye.
b) ( ) In 1552 Camões was arrested for having assaulted an official of the king and was only released in 1553, going straight into exile. Thus began a long journey of 17 years, in which the poet lived in the Portuguese colonies of Africa and Asia. There were years of economic difficulties and some spells in jail.
c) ( ) Camões returns to Portugal in 1570, after the death of D.João III, with Os Lusíadas already finished, in 1572 the first edition of the poem is published.
d) ( ) Camões died rich due to a pension granted by D.Sebastião, king of Portugal.
2) Camões is considered the greatest Portuguese lyric poet. His lyrical poetry is marked by duality: sometimes it presents texts with a heritage of traditional Portuguese poetry, sometimes it is poetry framed in the new style of the Renaissance. Check the alternatives that present the characteristics of the main themes of Camo's lyrical poetry:
I.Traditional Poetry – (the legacy of troubadour songs).
II. Platonic ideas – (the influences of the Greek philosophy of Plato).
III. Love and Hate – (one of the richest themes in Camo's lyric).
IV.The bewilderment of the world- (violent conflict between being and ought to be).
Check the correct alternative:
a) ( ) Alternatives I, II and IV are correct.
b) ( ) Alternatives I, II and III are correct.
c) ( ) Alternatives II, III and IV are correct.
d) ( ) Only alternatives II and III are correct.
Text for questions 3 to 5.
Love is fire that burns without being seen,
it's a wound that hurts and you don't feel it;
it's a discontented contentment,
it's pain that freaks out without hurting.
It is not wanting more than wanting;
it's a lonely walk among us;
it is never being content with content;
it is a care that wins from getting lost.
It's wanting to be trapped by will;
it is to serve the winner, the winner;
Have someone kill us, loyalty.
But how can your favor
in human hearts friendship,
If so contrary to itself is the same love?
(Luis Vaz de Camões)
3) Analyze the poem above and answer what is the name given to this type of poetic composition (14 verses distributed in two quartets and two triplets)?
4) Identify the rhyming scheme used by Camões in the poem above.
5) Transcribe an antithesis present in the poem.
6) Great epic of the Portuguese people considered the greatest poem by Camões and the greatest epic poem in the Portuguese language, which narrates the maritime adventure of Vasco da Gama?
7) Tick ( V ) for true and (F) for false on Camões' Lusiads.
a) Os Lusíadas” is an epic by Portuguese writer Luís Vaz de Camões.( )
b) The subject is Vasco da Gama's trip to the Indies.( )
c) It is divided into ten corners that are arranged in 1,102 stanzas.( )
d) All verses are heroic monosyllables, and rhymed ABABABCC.( )
e) It narrates Pedro Álvares Cabral's trip to the Indies.( )
f) Os Lusíadas talks about the great navigations, the Portuguese empire in the East, the kings and heroes of Portugal, among other facts that make it a historical poem.( )
g) All verses are heroic decasyllables with rhyme ABABABCC.( )
h) As for the story, the plot is divided into four parts. ( )
i) Proposition, Invocation of the Tágides, Dedication to King D. Sebastião, Narration, Epilogue, are the five parts of the plot of Camões' epic.( )
8) The ten songs of the poem “Os Lusíadas” is distributed in five parts. Identify each of them below:
a) It is the presentation of the poem.
b) The poet asks for inspiration from the Tágides, nymphs of the Tagus River.
c) Dedication to D.Sebastião, King of Portugal.
d) It is the long narrative part, in which the poet develops the theme telling episodes from Vasco da Gama's journey and the history of Portugal.
e) The final part of the poem, in which Camões shows himself dejected, distressed and disillusioned with his homeland.
( ) Epilogue
( ) Narration
( ) Dedication
( ) Invocation
( )Proposition
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva- graduated in Letters
At answers are in the link above the header.
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