Portuguese activity, recommended to seventh-year students, leads to the study of vocative. The questions were prepared based on a Ziraldo's anecdote.
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The visitor passes through the hospital corridor, when he sees his friend running out of the operating room, full of tubes:
__ Where are you going, boy?!
__ You're crazy, man, I'm going out!
__ But, what is it, boy?! A simple appendicitis operation! You take that out of the letter.
And the patient:
__ That's what the nurse was saying inside: “A little operation, boy! Courage! You take it out of hand! Go deep, man!"
__ So why are you running away?
__ Because she was saying this was for the doctor who was going to operate on me!
Ziraldo. “The best jokes in the world”. Rio de Janeiro; Globo, 1988, p. 62.
Question 1 - Identify the purpose of the text read:
Question 2 - In the excerpt “__ You're crazy, animal, I'll get out!”, the underlined vocative was directed:
a) to the visitor passing through the hospital corridor.
b) the friend rushing out of the operating room.
c) the nurse who works at the hospital.
d) to the doctor who would perform the operation.
Question 3 - Identify the referents of the word "boy" in the following passages of the anecdote:
a) “__ Where are you going, boy?!”
b) "A little operation for nothing, boy!"
Question 4 - “You take that out of hand! Go deep, man!”. Point out the vocative that makes up this part of the text:
Question 5 - Mark the punctuation mark that accompanies all vocatives used in the dialogue between the visitor and the patient:
a) question mark
b) colon
c) comma
d) full stop
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.