Portuguese activity, aimed at seventh-year students, aims at the study of "but" or "more". Do you have doubts about the use of these very similar words? So, be sure to answer the questions about the text that tells us the origin of the “sandwich”. How about getting to know?
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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One of mankind's greatest inventions was not the wheel, the plane or the laser beam, but the sandwich.
The sandwich was born when the fourth Earl of Sandwittch, still in the 18th century, instead of facing the laziness of a formal dinner, ordered his servant to do “anything” simple and quick. He wanted to kill his hunger without abandoning what he was doing – they say he played playing cards.
Nearly panicked, the servant took two slices of bread and thrust a hunk of ham between them. The Count never _______ had dinner – he only ate sandwiches.
Since then, people have been very _______ busy that the English nobleman and the creation of the servant became a universal craze. Attractive, simple, the sandwich has spent two centuries incorporating to its basic formula everything imaginable of edible.
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Question 1 - In the first period, the conjunction "but" establishes the relationship of:
( ) addition
( ) opposition
( ) conclusion
Question 2 - The spaces, indicated in the text, must be filled with:
( ) "but" and "more"
( ) "more" and "but"
( ) "More and more"
Question 3 - Suppose the author of the text wants to intensify the meaning of the adjectives “simple” and “quick”. For that, he must complete this sentence with “but” or “more”?
The Count ordered his servant to do “anything” _______ simple and quick.
Question 4 – The term that completed the sentence, present in the previous question, works as:
( ) adverb
( ) additive conjunction
( ) adversative conjunction
Question 5 - Complete with "but" or "more":
a) The sandwiches are delicious! ________, I'm already satisfied!
b) The sandwiches were gone. ________, they prepared ________.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.