History activity, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, with questions developed about the crisis of the Empire in Brazil.
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1) In the 1870s, a set of transformations was consolidated that led to the crisis of the monarchic system in Brazil. Among the elements below, the one that justifies the statement is:
a) The creation of conservative and liberal parties, breaking the existing political unity around the Moderating Power
b) The gradual but continuous development of the industrial bourgeoisie which since 1840 assumed control of the ministerial cabinets
2) The republican question was already being raised, as an alternative for Brazil, since the colonial period. However, it was only after 1870 with the launch of the Republican Manifesto that this idea began to take shape, influenced by two important sectors of Brazilian society. What alliance enabled the installation of the Republic in Brazil?
a) Alliance between the military high command that since the war in Paraguay has been fighting for more political space and the Coffee Growers, mainly from the west of São Paulo, who already realized the importance of changing the political system, as well as the change in the regime of work.
b) Alliance between Lords of Engenho, disgusted with the imperial policy and the peasants tired of exploitation and high taxes.
c) Alliance between Miners tired of the spill policy and Coffee Growers in search of more slave labor for their crops.
d) Alliance between Coffee Growers from the Paraíba valley who were against slavery and the Lords of Engenho do Nordeste who shared the same ideas.
e) Alliance between low-ranking soldiers who rebel against the ill-treatment of barracks and workers influenced by socialist ideas.
3) The Praieira Revolution, as historian Caio Prado Júnior reminds us, was the last breath of life of radical liberalism in Brazil in the 1800s, thus ending
the phase of intense social unrest started in the Regency Period. From that moment until the decade before the Republic, the political profile of Brazil was characterized by (a):
a) Political alternation between restorers and conservatives, who sought to adjust the interests of the large slaveholding rural landowners to those of the
b) Political alternation between liberals and conservatives, who sought to attenuate conflicts and accentuate the reciprocity of interests between the government and the parties.
c) Constant conciliation between the moderating power and the conservatives, pushing aside the liberal party, which pleaded for economic and social reforms.
d) Conciliation between liberals and conservatives, who alternated in power, as a way to distance the monarchic government from political decisions.
e) Distension between the conservative and liberal parties, as the latter started to defend the extinction of moderating power, slavery and the national guard.
4) In Brazil, the Republican Movement was strengthened from 1870 onwards and culminated in the end of the monarchic period. They inspired the ideas of this Movement:
a) Liberalism, coronelismo and national sovereignty
b) Anarchism, militarism and the abolition of slavery
c) Positivism, federalism and separation of Church and State
d) Enlightenment, reformism and political centralization
5) Of the conflicts that accompanied the emergence of the National State in Brazil in the 19th century, the beach rebellion stood out for the following claims:
( ) Free and universal vote of the Brazilian people.
( ) Full and absolute freedom to communicate thoughts through the press.
( ) The maintenance of the Moderating Power by the Emperor.
( ) Complete reform of the judiciary, in order to guarantee the guarantees of individual rights of citizens.
( ) Work as a guarantee of life for the Brazilian citizen
6) Regarding the relationship between Republicanism and Positivism in the Brazilian Army, at the end of the 19th century, judge the following items.
( ) The military issue was the most relevant crisis justifying the fall of the Monarchy.
( ) The end of the Paraguayan War, in 1870, provoked, at the same time, the institutionalization of the Army and its discovery in front of the regime.
( ) The foundation of the Clube Militar, in 1887, brought together the opposition sectors of the Army and prepared its organized entry into the political area, through the defense of a kind of republican dictatorship.
( ) The old officers felt responsible for a saving mission and intended to correct the vices of the country's political and social organization
Per Camila Farias.
At answers are in the link above the header.