Portuguese activity, aimed at ninth grade students, aims to study the demonstrative pronouns. “This”, “this” or “that”? Which of these pronouns fits the text that tells us the origin of the word Bohemian? Find out by answering the questions proposed below!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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Everyone knows what the word bohemian means: “one who likes going out at night, living in bars, drinking and dancing”. Well then. ______ word comes to us from the French bohémien. The French used this word to designate gypsies from Bohemia, a region of former Czechoslovakia, who liked night parties, singing, dancing, without worrying about the next day. The meaning of this word later became generalized and came to indicate anyone who had these habits. And it was with this general sense that she entered the Portuguese language.
Douglas Tufano. Available in: .
Question 1 - The highlighted pronoun is demonstrative in the passage:
( ) “all world knows what the word bohemian means […]"
( ) “[…] that one who likes going out at night, living in bars, drinking and dancing […]"
( ) “And it was with this general sense that Is it over there entered the Portuguese language."
Question 2 - In the passage identified above, the demonstrative pronoun performs the syntactic function of:
( ) subject
( ) object
( ) adnominal assistant
Question 3 - Check the alternative in which the demonstrative pronoun correctly filled in the space indicated in the text:
( ) “This word comes to us from the French Bohémien.”
( ) “This word came to us from Bohémien French.”
( ) “That word came to us from Bohémien French.”
Question 4 - The demonstrative pronoun, which filled the space indicated in the text, refers to:
( ) to the word “bohemian”.
( ) to the word “bohémien”.
( ) to the word “Bohemia”.
Question 5 - In the sentence “There are few who know the origin of the word bohemian.”, “them” is:
( ) definite article
( ) personal pronoun
( ) demonstrative pronoun
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.