Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, addresses the adnominal deputy. Adnominal adjuncts are those terms that perform the syntactic function of characterizing or determining! Are we going to learn more about them? To do so, answer the questions based on the text that introduces us to the “haka” dance!
You can download this Portuguese language activity in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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If you've ever seen a football or rugby game played by the New Zealand team, you may have noticed that before the match starts, players often make a presentation. She is a demonstration of haka dance, a traditional Maori culture, the country's native people — as well as Princess Moana's tribe in the Disney animation that bears her name.
Haka is the generic name given to all Maori dances. As they are war dances, the choreographies include lots of screams, body slaps and grimaces, as if the dancers were fighting. […]
Before football and rugby matches, New Zealand teams often use dancing to intimidate opponents.
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Question 1 - In the passage “Haka is the name generic given for all Maori dances.”, the underlined term plays the syntactic function of adjunct adjunct because:
( ) characterizes something.
( ) explains a term.
( ) indicates a circumstance.
Question 2 - The underlined pronoun is an adnominal adjunct in the passage:
( ) “If you have you ever seen a football game […]"
( ) “Is it over there is a demonstration of the haka dance […]"
( ) “[…] the choreographies include Many screams […]"
Question 3 - In the excerpt “[…] as if the dancers […]”, there is an adjunct. Point it out:
( ) "like".
( ) “if”.
( ) "you".
Question 4 – In “[…] the teams from New Zealand […]”, the highlighted expression works as:
( ) I bet.
( ) adverbial adjunct.
( ) adnominal deputy.
Question 5 - In the phrase “[…] using dance to intimidate opponents.”, the adjunct assistants:
( ) were used to determine.
( ) were used to characterize.
( ) were used to complement.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header