Portuguese activity, recommended to students in the ninth year of elementary school, about verbal agreement. Let's analyze cases of agreement in the curious text Why is air invisible? So, answer the questions proposed below! In “[…] each of its rays composes a light of a different color.”, is the use of the singular verb prohibited, optional or mandatory? Let's go to the challenge?
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Our atmosphere is made up of colorless gases and, as we know, they are invisible. To see a gas, it needs to have some color. This is only possible when its chemical elements absorb light, since, like the rainbow, each of its rays compose light of a different color. The fact is that when the atoms of any gas are hit by light, they _______ some of the rays. If the particles absorb a yellow ray, for example, the color of the vapor will be the result of mixing the remaining colors of the rays – in this case, purple. It turns out that not all rays are visible, including the one that the air absorbs. Nitrogen and oxygen – 99% of the atmosphere – only retain invisible ultraviolet rays. So, as colors pass through the air, it is transparent.
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Question 1 - Point out the part of the text transcribed with verbal agreement error:
( ) “[…] when the atoms of any gas are hit by light […]”
( ) "If the particles absorb a yellow ray […]"
( ) “[…] the color of the vapor will be the result of mixing the remaining colors of the rays […]”
Question 2 - In the passage “To see a gas […]”, the verb agrees with a subject that appears hidden. Identify it:
Question 3 - In the segment “[…] each of its rays composes a light of a different color.”, the use of the singular verb is:
( ) prohibited.
( ) optional.
( ) mandatory.
Question 4 – In the prayer “[…] they _______ some of the rays.”, the space should be filled with:
( ) “retains”.
( ) “retains”.
( ) “retain”.
Question 5 - Complete the box below with "is" or "are":
According to the text, 99% of the atmosphere _______ of nitrogen and oxygen.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.