Text interpretation activity, aimed at students in the fourth or fifth year of elementary school, with reading and interpretation of the poem “Spider” and the Greek myth Arachne, the spider woman. The activity also proposes a crossword for studying verbs.
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Text I
All charm, every morning
like a trapeze artist
the spider balances
real artist
she never freaks out
but sometimes loses
When something strange.
Go get it? Give up.
softly wins
your very fine clue
and there it gets tangled up
and lost sight of.
PEREIRA, Otoniel S. Bookworm. São Paulo: Format, 2006, p.20
Text II
Arachne the spider woman (greek myth)
Arachne was a girl who weaved and embroidered with such perfection that many people came from far away to admire her work. She turned the raw wool into skeins, weaved and covered the cloth with delicate embroidery. She prided herself on her gifts and said that no one had taught her the art of weaving and embroidering. She also said that, despite being mortal, she challenged the goddess Athena to compare her abilities with hers. The goddess Athena, patiently disguised as a ragged old woman, decides to advise Arachne not to defy the gods and not be so convinced. However, Arachne dared to compete with the goddess Athena: _I'm not afraid of the goddess. Let her compete with me, I'm the best!
Getting rid of the disguise, Athena said:
– Well, I'm here!
Then the dispute began. Both worked quickly and perfectly, combining colors and embroidering beautiful scenes. In the end, Arachne bragged about her work saying that he was superior to the goddess.
- You are the best, but your impiety and presumption deserve a lesson! - Said the goddess.
At that moment, Arachne's body was rapidly shrinking. Instead of fingers, she had eight furry legs and found herself transformed into a… spider, doomed to spin webs forever. Of her art, Arachne was jealous. To such an extent, tells an ancient poet. That he measured forces with Athena and the goddess suffered harsh punishment.
Free translation of theatrical text by David Garrick.
1) Explain how are the two texts similar?
2) In text I:
I) The spider is charming.
II) The spider is skittish.
III) The spider is very thin and full of tricks.
The alternative is correct:
b) II
c) III and II
d) I and II
3) According to text II, who was Arachne?
a) a spider
b) a weaver girl.
c) a neighbor of the spider.
d) a goddess.
4) Check (V) for true and (F) for false.
a) ( ) Arachne wove and embroidered with perfection.
b) () Arachne was proud of her embroidery.
c) ( ) Arachne said he was afraid of Athena.
d) ( )Arachne embroidered and wove better than Athena.
e) ( )Arachne was transformed into a goddess.
5) Explain what happened after the goddess Athena admitted that Arachne was better than her at producing embroidery?
6) Complete the crossword below, with the verbs present in the prayers:
1) "Arachne was a girl".
2) "She transformed the raw wool".
3) ”Lose of sight”.
4) "Who measured strength with Athena."
5) "For I am here".
6) "I'm not afraid of the goddess".
7) "Defying the goddess Athena".
8) ”The spider is balanced”.
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva - Graduated in Literature and Pedagogy - Postgraduate in Special Education.
At answers are in the link above the header.