Ascending order: Sorting a list of items for any information. Usually used in dictionaries, placing each word alphabetically, consequently in ascending order. Can be used in list of values, dates, etc. always from the smallest value to the largest.
Descending order: It's the opposite, it uses the same concept, but in an inverted way, from the biggest to the smallest.
Below we will leave some activities in ascending and descending order for your students.
Make an X in the drawing where the women are in ascending order.
Help the bunny jump following the sequence, circling the numbers he will step on
Arrange the numerals above in ascending order
Continue the sequence. in ascending order
Establish the correspondence
Complete this numbered line with the writing of the missing numbers
continue the sequence
Complete with the numerals in ascending order the path that Hello kitty takes to reach music school
Complete the train cars with the numerals in sequence
Note the highlighted numerals and write them, in ascending order, in the tables below
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