History activity, aimed at first year high school students, with questions developed about sharing Asia.
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The formation of States was certainly different in Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia. Current states, especially in Latin America – where the institutions of local populations that existed at the time of the conquest or were eliminated, as in the case of Mexico and from Peru, or were fragile, as in the case of Brazil -, are the result, in general, of the evolution of the transplantation of European institutions made by the metropolises to their colonies. In Africa, the colonies had arbitrarily drawn borders, separating ethnicities, languages and traditions, which later survived the process of decolonization, giving rise to conflicts that often have their true origin in disputes over the exploitation of resources natural. In Asia, European colonization took place more indirectly and found more sophisticated political and administrative systems, which it superimposed. Today those earlier forms of organization, or at least their spirit, survive in the political organizations of the Asian state.
(GUIMARÃES, S. P. Nation, nationalism, state. Advanced Studies. São Paulo: EdUSP, v. 22, no. 62, Jan. - Apr. 2008 (adapted)
1) England tried to expand its contacts with China, mainly due to the large market that could be the Chinese population for English products, which were marketed by:
a) Chinese Company
b) Opium Company
c) East India Company
d) Company of China
2) In 1839, more than 20,000 boxes of opium were burned by the Chinese authorities, giving England a pretext to:
a) Declare war on China
b) Get out of the situation as a victim
c) Sign a Treaty with the United States
d) The taking of Beijing
3) In addition to the tension in China and the interest in exploring it, perhaps India was one of the most disputed regions between the 16th and 19th centuries, because on its coast:
a) There were many riches
b) There was a large military base
c) There was a huge source of oil
d) There were commercial warehouses in Portugal, France and England
4) From the 18th century, most of the Indian territory was under English control, having as agent the West India Company. British interference in India was responsible for:
a) Huge industrial growth
b) A public calamity
c) Economic centralization
d) Political chaos
5) Another object of western imperialist action was Japan, which was another eastern state that had no ties direct with the West, seeking to make small commercial exchanges and avoiding foreign influence since the century XVI. This position was changed with the sending of the call:
a) Black Squadron
b) Revolt of the Sepoys
c) United Squadron
d) Eastern Revolt
6) After the replacement of the samurai power by an army organized in Western molds and submitted directly to the imperial power, there was a process of opening and westernization of Japan, a priority factor for laying the foundations gives:
a) Capitalist economy
b) Constitution
c) Industrialization and encouraging trade and agriculture
d) Social and economic structure
Per Camila Farias.
At answers are in the link above the header.