History activity, aimed at first-year high school students, with questions developed about Western Antiquity: Greece and Rome.
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Some aspects of Ancient Greece, such as its political and social organization, deserve special attention due to the absence of a unified and by fragmentation into numerous city-states with different political systems, between which we focus on the two main models: Athens and Sparta.
In relation to Rome, we highlight the process of organization of Roman society, its initial character of city-state and the subsequent expansion that it preserved the internal social organization, but changed the economic order, replacing small property with free work and large estates with work slave.
1) The Athenian society also suffered a process of division of lands like what happened in Sparta. How was this process?
2) Politically, the Eupatrids held control and supported the king, characterizing a monarchy. When did the monarchic regime fall into decay?
3) To exercise their citizenship, Athenians needed an instrument that would guarantee them free time to participate in political decisions. What was this instrument used by the Athenians?
4) In Rome, the republican regime was supported by the magistratures, public offices held by the patricians and that represented the public administration, with the Senate being the main instance of power. What was the Senate like during this period?
5) During the republic, friction between commoners and patricians was constant. As a result, the plebs rebelled several times, demanding greater political rights. Between 494 and 300 BC C, the commoners made several demonstrations and what achievements were obtained?
Per Camila Farias.
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