Portuguese activity, aimed at ninth grade students, proposes the study of types of subject. Do you know when a subject is simple, hidden, composite or indeterminate? And when a prayer has no subject? Let's learn? So, answer the questions regarding the text Discover the history of the rare meteorite kept at the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro.
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Museums are full of gems and treasures. See, for example, the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro: despite not having gold coins or jewelry imperial, guards a valuable treasure, both for its scientific importance and its value. economic. A gem that came from heaven!
It is a very small purple pebble – the Angra dos Reis meteorite, which fell in this region 150 years ago. The rock is from a very rare type of meteorite called angrith. To date, only 20 meteorites of this type have been found worldwide.
The National Museum has only a 70-gram piece of the stone, three centimeters in diameter, but there could be more parts out there. According to historical accounts, the meteorite fell into the sea in 1869. A doctor passing by saw the fall and ordered his employees to dive in to catch him. They retrieved two pieces of the stone and, through the fitting, saw that it was possible that a third part still existed.
One of those pieces is what is in the museum today. The second was passed on from father to son in the doctor's family and no one knows where it ended up. The third, it is believed, remains hidden at the bottom of the sea. There is no lack of people looking for him! […]
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Question 1 - Check the type of subject that makes up the opening clause of the text:
a) simple
b) composite
c) hidden
d) undetermined
Question 2 - The subject of the underlined verb was not determined in:
a) "A gem that he came from the sky!"
B) "it is of a very small purple pebble […]"
c) “One of these pieces é what is in the museum today.”
d) “[…] no one You know where did it end up."
Question 3 - The prayer “The rock is a very rare type of meteorite […]” has as its core the subject:
the rock"
b) "type"
c) "rare"
d) "meteorite"
Question 4 – In the passage “[…] guard a valuable treasure, both for its scientific importance and for its economic value.”, the subject of the verb “guard” appears hidden. Identify it:
Question 5 - In the segment “[…] he ordered his employees to dive to catch him.”, the term “lo” takes the subject back:
Question 6 – The personal pronoun works as the subject in the sentence:
( ) “They recovered two pieces of stone […]”
( ) “There is no lack of people looking for him!”
Question 7 – In the phrase “The third, it is believed, is still hidden at the bottom of the sea.”, two types of subject were used. Point them out:
a) simple and hidden.
b) compound and indeterminate.
c) hidden and composite.
d) simple and indeterminate.
Question 8 – Indicate the prayer without subject:
a) “[…] the Angra dos Reis meteorite, which fell in this region […]”
b) "The National Museum has only a small piece of 70 grams of stone […]"
c) “[…] but there may be more parts out there.”
d) "The second was being passed from father to son in the doctor's family [...]"
Question 9 – In the phrase “Gold coins and imperial jewelry do not make up the National Museum, in Rio de Janeiro.”, the subject is made up because:
( ) has more than one noun.
( ) has more than one nucleus.
( ) displays more than one word.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.