celebrated in Brazil annually in the August, O Father's Day is an important commemorative date on our calendar.
This date celebrates, thanks and honors all parents. As well as the Mothers Day, O Father's Day is celebrated in second Sunday of the month of August.
This important date has a similar origin to Mother's Day, there are rumors that the initial idea was to create dates that would strengthen family ties.
In 1909, in the United States, to be more exact, in Washington, Sonora Louise Smart Dodd, daughter of the veteran of the civil war, John Bruce Dodd, listening to a sermon dedicated to mothers, had the idea of celebrating and honoring the Father's Day, with the intention of honoring his deceased father.
In June 19, 1910 in the city of Spokane, Washington, Father's First Day was celebrated.
This event was a milestone and even had an official flower to honor this event: The rose.
Parents who were alive should receive red roses, and the deceased received white roses in their tomb.
Here in Brazil, it was celebrated for the first time in August 1953, on the 16th and the idea of the date was from the advertiser Sylvio Bhering.
The date change here in Brazil happened due to some commercial reasons, thus being different from American and European.
Some also say that supposedly Father's Day (Second Sunday in August) was chosen because it is weekend and because of that, but parents are off at home and can enjoy the day with their sons.
O Father's Day in the United States and the World It is celebrated on different dates and varies from country to country. We can exemplify with the United States, which is celebrated on the third Sunday in June.
In Germany, Father's Day is celebrated annually 40 days after Easter, on a Thursday,
In Iran, the date follows the Islamic calendar and always occurs on the thirteenth day of RAJAB, which is the seventh month.
In Portugal, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Croatia, Bolivia, Honduras and other countries that have a strong Catholic influence, it is celebrated on March 19, a date that is also celebrated on St. Joseph's Day.
Love, hug and spend the whole day with your father is already a wonderful gift isn't it? But beyond that, we can give these very important people something material, check out some tips:
Today with this immense technological advancement, most parents are connected. So when it comes to paying homage to your dad on social media, there's nothing better than a beautiful phrase or message, right? Check out some suggestions:
Being a father is: smiling, crying, suffering, laughing. Being a child is: giving thanks every day for the opportunity to have a father like you. Happy Father's Day!
A father is a hero and a great example in his children's lives. Happy Father's Day!
Every day I thank you for having you as a father. Happy Father's Day!
It is not the blood that makes a father, but his ability to love the one he calls his son. Happy Father's Day!
Being a father is not just generating life, but caring, protecting and above all loving a lot. Happy Father's Day!
A happy day for all parents who are affectionate, present and whose priority is their children!
Even though it is no longer part of our lives, a father is a father forever. Happy Father's Day everyone!
Happy Father's Day to all who fight for a happy future for their children.
With an open heart and a big smile on my face, I shout out loud: Happy Father's Day!
To the in-laws who represent the best of fatherhood, a Happy Father's Day!
You are more than my father; he is my hero and my greatest inspiration. Happy Father's Day!
How about creating a tribute to the students' parents at a party or gathering? Check out some suggestions for Father's Day songs.
To you DAD,
Daddy present, or daddy who is already in heaven, or daddy who lives in another house, or for the mommy who is daddy...A message on your day:
This week we made a booklet for you. It was made with great care, everyone wanted to make the most of it, as it was a special gift.
Each child made their gift thinking of someone special who would receive it.
This someone is YOU!
God bless you and enlighten you for the mission He has entrusted to you:
When God gives you a son, he grants you the solemn mission of molding the soft clay, which he animated with the miracle of his divine breath.
In the first seven years of life, you have to shape it; from seven to fourteen, polishing.
Throughout your life, you must deposit the liquid of wisdom and temperance within it.
You have to teach him to be obedient, punctual, disciplined, as these qualities will be demanded of him at all times.
You have to awaken his love for work, science and reading, so that he, knowing how to give, can be useful.
You have to teach him to renounce, to suffer with resignation, to believe in divine justice, to lose and, above all, to win, so that he, knowing how to receive, can always receive.
You have to teach him the value of love, loyalty, noble feelings, so that he can experience a happy and meaningful life.
You must arouse his interest in the things of heaven, lest he be crushed by the miseries of earth.
You have to convey to him the meaning of life, so that he does not subordinate his existence to the fear of death.
He is the seed you will plant. your care for him will reflect on your harvest.
If you give him a moment, you'll make him an acquaintance. If you give him time, you'll make him a friend.
If you want him to buy material favors, he will see in you a source of easy earnings. If you conquer him with love, you will be a FATHER for him.
"Whatever a man sows, this he will also reap." Galatians 6:7
Gift …
“For my beloved daddy
A gift I went to buy. But, in the store there was no
The love I want to give!
– Listen, Father in Heaven
A request I made to you: Give my daddy health
And a happy life!”
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