Background is a word derived from English and has already become an everyday term among Brazilians, which can mean experience, background, context, background, education, environment, background, etc.
In an English sentence, for example, this word can mean something that is in the background.
I could hear yours. whisper even though there was noise in the background. In English: I quiter. his whisper even though there was a background noise.
A wallpaper on a computer screen can refer. to a background, that is, background. The vectors backgrounds, a lot. used on image sites can be used as a background for twitter, Tumblr, among others.
In the English word, background can refer to education. of a person. For example: He is serious because he has a very strict. religious background – He is serious because he had a very religious upbringing. rigid.
In art, it refers to the background of a painting. It can also refer to a term that refers to the distance positioning of an image in relation to the foreground.
According to the dictionary, the word background can mean. something like hidden, discreet, unnoticeable, obscure. Example: She seemed kind, but she kept a lot of. anger in the background. - He seemed kind, but kept a lot of anger. hidden in the background.
Ex. There is a castle in the background of the photo. (background)
Example: The candidate got the job because of her good. academic background.
It is important to understand the historical context (background) of the. conflict.
My teacher has a good background in philosophy.
Origin (plural: origins)
Ex. My ethnic background (background) influences my way. to get dressed.
Second CSS property is a shortcut that sets the background values in a single place in the style sheet, individually. Background can resemble setting values for the following concepts: background-position, background-clip, background-size, background-color, background-image, background-origin, background-repeat, background-attachment.
When initial values are missing, the CSS shorthand property background assigns explicit data values and property sets to those values.
See too: Character.
In corporate language, it circulates among HR members along with American words such as: networking, team building, brainstormings, on the job, among others. Do you know some of these expressions?
It's good to pay attention to them as they can be used in one. job interview. Check out. below what each of them means, including background.
These terms are increasingly aligned with the world. in which we live, after all, many foreign companies have set up shop. in Brazil, bringing their culture and vocabulary that were inserted into ours. language.
According to some HR professionals, the English terms are not. define success during the interview, but demonstrate that the professional is. engaged with the market update.
Since the top corporations are in the United States, their research and case studies become our country's vocabulary every time. more “Americanized”. Of course, the terms should be used sparingly, especially in a job interview, as it can give the impression. wrong for the interviewer.
A sentence full of foreign words can be. considered mannerism, as well as arrogance on the part of the candidate. Now get one. professional participate in a job interview where such terms arise. as background or know how. and the person doesn't know what it means, it's better to ask than answer something. totally out of the context of the question.
In the case of background, as it represents background, context, experiences, etc., it can very well be defined as experience and knowledge. professional and personal.
The term can be used synonymously with the experience of. a professional in the area in which he/she works or what is his/her academic background. So if someone asks, “What is your background?”, it means that a. person wants to know about your experience in your area of expertise or in which. course you have training.
Another possibility of using the word is related to antecedents and is being widely used in large corporations and is provided for by legal frameworks such as the Anti-Corruption Law and the Law of State-owned Companies.
Here in Brazil, the term became popular due to corruption. that took over the country and this made managers and business owners themselves. interested in a deeper analysis of the professional background of. candidates for strategic positions. This analysis is also called the background. check.
The background check consists of performing a thorough research e. concise life of an employee in order to identify risks associated with one. possible negative hiring of the employee. For example, Carlos Lopes, director of Kroll in Brazil issued the following note on the subject:
"To reduce. vulnerabilities and future reputational threats, companies and managers seek. increasingly decisions supported by facts and objective information”.
He is a risk management consultant providing the service to. worldwide and saw its brand grow by more than twenty percent due to the high. looking for your services. The background check list is not a simple query. about the candidate's life.
In addition to technical assessments, the service covers assessment. behavior and relationships, and includes opinions posted on social networks. Depending on the candidate's type of background, he or she is not approved for vacancies from. Marketplace. According to Carlos Lopes:
“The job is to collect. data and report them to the customer. There is no recommendation or indication in ours. report".
The background also inserts information about actions against the applicant, biography, litigation, business or personal associations deemed sensitive, and connections to the policy. The entire process goes through investigation of public data, interviews with reliable sources and commercial investigation. This type of analysis is primarily aimed at people in high-ranking positions.
Also be sure to check: Upgrade.
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