Geography Activity, aimed at high school students, with questions about the phases of capitalism.
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01) Read the statement below and fill in the gap:
With the growth of commerce and urban centers, in addition to the increase in agricultural and artisanal activity, from the 12th century onwards, a social layer of merchants developed in Europe. This made possible an accumulation of resources that - added to the innovations in maritime transport, in the armaments and navigation techniques led to the commercial expansion of the late fifteenth and early part of the century XVI.
A: These are characteristics of capitalism ______________________________________
02) Check the alternatives that present characteristics of mercantilism:
( ) State intervention in economic life;
( ) Maintenance of a favorable trade balance;
( ) Adoption of metalism;
( ) Protectionism;
( ) Formation of oligopoly.
03) Explain how the international division of labor occurred.
04) Explain how the “plantations” system was. And which labor was used in this system?
05) Carefully read the alternatives below:
I. In industrial capitalism, the bourgeois class was the owner of the means of production, that is, the owners of the industries, became increasingly rich, through the salaried labor that worked and were exploited in the factories.
II. During the period of industrial capitalism, social inequalities grew exponentially, as most of the money was concentrated in the hands of the bourgeois, while the working class was exploited and received insufficient wages to make a living. worthy.
III. A determining factor for the development of industrial capitalism was the rural exodus, so that people left the countryside in search of better living conditions in cities, which resulted in a demographic explosion and the emergence of a new division of labor in the factories.
IV. The expansion of consumer markets, international relations and the development of globalization were essential to consolidate a new phase of the capitalist system: financial capitalism or monopolist.
They are correct:
a) I and II
b) II and III
c) III and IV
d) I, II, III, IV
6) Set (V) to true and (F) to false:
a) ( ) Monopoly is the market dominance of a particular product or service by a single company or by the State.
b) ( ) The dominance of the market by a small group of companies is called oligopoly.
c) ( ) Cartel occurs when groups of companies that belong to the same industry establish agreements among themselves in order to fix the same prices for their products.
d) ( )Trusts are groups formed by owners of large companies that merge and become partners of a single large company. With this, they guarantee control of a large part of the consumer market.
e) ( ) The holdings sthey urged when large entrepreneurs, instead of setting up their own companies and industries, began to buy shares in competing companies. Thus, several entrepreneurs control the shares of two or three competing companies with the same product.
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva – Graduated in Letters
At answers are in the link above the header.