THE electrodynamics studies the motion and electrical charges that are always in an endless constant.
In the study of electrodynamics It's possible to know. because when we plug a TV cord into the socket, it turns on.
And also because when a light bulb burns out. flashes from your car the others do not light either. It is electrodynamics studies various topics.
A natural energy and electrodynamics are the rays.
We also recommend: second law of thermodynamics.
It's the electrical charges that are constant. movement.
This electrical energy is formed by free electrons e. atoms. The electrons that are responsible for the electrical current. They stay. farther from the nucleus of the atom.
When electrons receive a charge from a generator (one. stack can be our example) they make a specific organization.
This generates it. generates the ordered movement, acting on a conductive system.
And in this system that is studied in electrodynamics, the loads have different powers from each other, as far as power is concerned. (dpp).
The strength of these electrical currents is measured. in current intensity + electric charge + time interval.
A potential difference is required for a. electric current exists. Only having this higher power difference e. lower than the electrical current is created.
Electrical resistance makes it difficult to pass. electric current.
Its formula is calculated in resistance + difference from. electric potential + electric current intensity. This in the first law of. Oh M.
In Ohm's second law it is calculated in resistance + conductor resistivity + length + cross-sectional area.
Be sure to check: volumetric dilation.
The electrical circuit is conditioned on a conductor. closed where the electric current passes. A simple example of this kind of. system is the pile where the positive and negative poles are connected.
This item from electrodynamics explains that direct current is so called because it always moves in the same direction.
Alternating electric current, on the other hand, has periodic inversions of meaning. A simple and classic example is the one taken in the houses.
It is the amount of electrical current that is produced on. a certain time. This power is calculated in power + voltage + electric current intensity.
When moving along a conductor, this charge expends energy. This has the result of, for example, a turning of an engine or the lighting of a light.
Electrical power is the amount of electrical energy changing into light, heat or mechanical energy.
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