THE pombagira it is a term widely used among people, but not always by those who really know its meaning. She is an entity that works in Umbanda, an Afro-descendant religious branch.
There are some that. they consider Pombagira as the female personification of the Exu, there are already those who do. do not agree with the denomination. She is one of the most awakening entities. curiosity in laymen and practitioners.
So that you. can understand more about the subject, we have gathered all the information in this article. necessary on Pombagira. Read and clear all the trivia about. theme.
The first. reports on the existence of Pombagira are from the beginning of the 20th century, from which, they claim that a very sensual female entity frees women from oppression. of a conversational society.
Already some. other priests and mediums claim that Pombagira is a messenger of the. deities, and that, in other lives, she was a woman who in addition to suffering a lot did with. let other people suffer. So today she wants to help the evolution of. human beings.
Is. entity that loves black and red, has a loud speech and a laugh. totally raucous, as well as a natural, mocking way of playing charm. to men and seduce them.
Much. similar to Exu, Pombagira assumes several other phalanges, such as a. Pombagira Rainha, Sete-Saias and Menina da Praia. That is, it can appear. personified in different ways. One of the best known and most common in. apparitions is Maria Padilha.
To Mary. Padilha Pombagira was a very seductive woman who worked as a lady. company of D. Maria, and who ended up calling her son's attention. D. Peter. from Castile, living with him a great passion.
Peter was not. uncommitted, on the contrary, he was betrothed to D. Blanca. de Boubon, who later died. Many believe that death was. caused by Castile, who wanted to freely live his passion with Mary.
The rumor that. ran everywhere was that Mary was a witch and that there was. enchanting Peter. Castile, to prove his love, built a castle and. presented Padilha. It was in this place that they met and constituted one. big family. The woman, after giving birth to four children, died because of her. black Plague.
It's because. of this story that many associate Pombagira Maria Padilha with seduction, because. to reach your goals you needed to be sensual to enchant your loved one.
Like everyone. you know, Pombagira, like Exu, is a spirit that has gone through incarnation. and that follows a path of evolution just like us. Generally speaking, it works. to aid and guard the lower planes of the evil that still exists.
Much. sincerely, the entity conveys its message clearly and with a lot. credibility. With her, there is no way to be false or hypocritical, because Pombagira. can extract the truth from people.
For acting. very close to human beings, the entity knows the human passions, the. defects, qualities, desires and thoughts of all living beings. This one. way, mission and power are to help people seek guidance. certain.
Incidentally, the. Pombagira, being a female entity, fights against thoughts and attitudes. sexist, being fearless and confronting all those who hurt them head-on. women's rights.
Before. start reading this article it is possible that you believed the Pombagira. it was an evil entity, considering most of the comments that are made. about her, however, this is a mistake.
As seen, a. Pombagira has a story related to a woman who suffered and made others. people suffer, but not that she does in current times. Like Exu, she is linked to sensuality and uses it to lead people to. find a way and become a better spirit.
Usually the ones. faithful who resort to Pombagira are looking to solve emotional issues, business or studies, always asking for success in relationships. For those. requests are attended to, some of the offerings that are usually requested are:
The offerings. should be placed at a crossroads in the shape of a T, representing the organ. female breeder. However, before making any contact with the entity, it is. indicated to look for a medium with experience and skill.
Celebrated on. 8 March is the international women's day, as well as the day of Pombagira. In fact, his day of the week is Monday and some mediums claim that it is the. ideal time to perform the Prayer to Maria Padilha, which follows below.
“Save our Queen of the night,
Save our so glorious Maria Padilha.
It's 12 o'clock sharp and the bell has already rung.
I know that at this time, by the force of the wind the dust. go up,
and with it will also rise all the evil that is in. my body,
on my way and in my house.
Everything will go away from my life.
It is with the strength and Axé of Maria Padilha that mine. ways,
from this moment the pointers get. separate,
will be free from all material evils e. spiritual,
for the light that clears Maria Padilha's path. also
will clear my paths,
for this I will always be in possession of this prayer.”
Now you already. he knows that Pombagira is not an evil entity, much less that he wants evil. for the next. She is the protector of the woman in love and the mother she seeks. reach your goals. Even seductive, she is genuine and only wants them. people achieve their desires by following the right path.
If you wish. having a closer contact with the entity, it is recommended that you look for a center. spiritist or a medium you trust. Only spiritually prepared people. can communicate with entities. Beware of scammers.
Leave prejudice aside and really realize what the desire of the pombagira for the lives of people, especially women who so much need support and protection from harm.
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