Songs for Traffic Week at school.
Browsing the internet I found several suggestions for songs for Traffic Week at school. This date is celebrated annually in September.
This date is inserted in the National Traffic Week, which takes place annually between September 18th and 25th. The main objective of this date is the development of social awareness about the basic care that every driver and pedestrian must have in traffic.
See too:
Traffic safety: learn with Clube do Bem-te-vi.
have to stop
look at the sign
look to one side
and for the other
Have to wait
close the sign
To cross
have to stop
look at the sign
look to one side
and for the other
Have to wait
close the sign
To cross
We always go out for a walk
But pay attention
when to cross
have to stop
look at the sign
look to one side
and for the other
Have to wait
close the sign
To cross
We always go out for a walk
But pay attention
when to cross
have to stop
look at the sign
look to one side
and for the other
Have to wait
close the sign
stop then stop then
to be able to cross
My cart:
The Signaler:
Crossing the Street: Music by XUXA.
everyone wants to travel
it's holiday
End of month
Christmas With bald tire
Don't travel!
Much more than 80km
Don't travel!
broke the flashlight
Don't travel!
the body asks for sleep
Don't travel!
without your documents
and the truck
just can't forget
the luggage
wish you
Be sure to check:
hello children
let's all learn
The colors of traffic signs
It's not hard you'll see
if it's red
Wait a little
if it's yellow
is to call your attention
But when it turns green
you can cross
child care
when to cross
An avenue or any street Look to the side, look to the other
to not get run over
walk only on the sidewalk
walk happy without getting hurt
Pay close attention before crossing
Look at the light, wait for the light to close
red for cars
you can pass
green for cars
you have to wait
never cross
if the light is yellow the color of the sun
Never cross outside the lanes
She is the security space
where children can go
where cars have to wait
when i go out to the city
I have to pay attention
I go in a hurry or not in a hurry
And I watch the confusion
In this crazy traffic
no one can take the risk
I wait for the traffic light
Green light, I will pass
Green light
I will cross
Green light
I can wait
Green light
give me the condition
Green light
In the protection range
on the other side of the sidewalk
this is my intention
I will cross in the lane
that gives me the protection
smart driver
Who loves his brothers like that
do not drive while intoxicated
know how to pay attention
look there, man
see if you pay attention
Because life is a game in your hand
Only cross the street when the traffic lights close
If you're sure, if the guy sees you
Because traffic is a danger and we must improve
What's this citizen traffic violence don't even think about
Let's make Bahia an exemplary transit
And you pedestrian pay close attention
Cross the lane and don't lose your mind
Connect on the catwalk, vandalism doesn't
Let's all take care of her, think about tomorrow
Because traffic is a danger and we must improve
There is always a reckless person wanting to run over
-Oh! My Compadre, you are sane!
-Because I wore the seat belt
I didn't know about this city fashion
What was my happiness
when it all happened
It was an advice
It was Scheila who told me:
-Ô Compadre, wear the belt so you don't get hurt
Now I know how important it is
wear the belt, it's true
I do not lie
I saved myself from the crash
protect the father
protect the mother
protect the child
If I didn't have a belt
my compadre
I was fried
I'll tell you
I'm telling you
It's no use calling my cell phone
if i'm driving
I don't answer
No, no
I have all the time in the world
to give you attention
But if I'm driving I'm a good citizen
And I don't answer so I don't get in the way
I don't litter in the street
I don't go against the grain
I'm not running with you by my side
I'm a modern and educated guy
riding a motorcycle is good
But don't forget a reminder!Wear your helmet! Wear the helmet!
It's Motoboy
It's Biker
It's Playboy
Grate hurts!
Grate hurts!
It's Mobilete,
It's wasp,
It's Motocross
Grate hurts!
Grate hurts!
Be smart
control the speed
on the road or in the city
you must remember
riding a motorcycle is good
But don't forget a reminder.
Wear the helmet!
Wear the helmet!
If you're going to drive don't drink If you're going to drink don't drive
take care my love
with your life
Security strip,
Security strip,
Pedestrian Priority
Pedestrian Priority
It's like ZebrinhaSkipping “Amarelinha”
That's where I cross
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