Text interpretation activity, proposed for 2nd or 3rd year high school students, based on the text “How dictionaries are made”. The objective is to teach reading comprehension so that, in the future, students can better use this skill to take entrance exams, Enem and public examinations in general.
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How are dictionaries made?
1.The first step is to prepare a large word inventory, using how
2.material literary works, newspapers, magazines, medicine inserts, technical manuals and
3.practically everything related to the current language. Of course, the survey does not
4.Starts from scratch, as old dictionaries are also used to supply the
5.Giant file. Millions of words that appear in this material are then
6.registered with the help of an optical reader, a type of scanner, which passes these
7.Data to a computer's memory. Again with the help of
8.informatics, the next step is to cross the times each word appears,
9. discovering which are the most frequent in the language and which will effectively be
11. "A language has millions of words, of which only a part will be part of the
12.dictionary”, says the lexicographer (author of dictionaries) Mauro de Salles Villar, director
13. from Instituto Antônio Houaiss, the entity responsible for one of the main
14.Portuguese language dictionaries, Houaiss, which has almost 230 thousand entries.
15. After defining the words that will enter the work, it is time to prepare the text
16.of its meanings, in addition to researching other information that may
17. complement the entries, such as the origin of the word and the date on which it
18.began to be used in the language. All this work can take years or even decades.
19.e invariably involves a large team of researchers. The dictionary
20.Houaiss took 15 years to be made, with more than 200 employees and
21.lexicographers from Brazil and other Portuguese-speaking countries.
(adapted from http://mundoestranho.abril.com.br/cultura/como-sao-feitos-os-dicionarios/)
1. Regarding the creation of a dictionary, we can say that, according to the text:
a) it is necessary to ignore the previous dictionaries to do a good job.
b) the help of technology is not needed to search for words.
c) a dictionary, upon completion, must have at least 230,000 entries.
d) a lexicographer should not look up words from other dictionaries.
e) a dictionary can take a long time to complete.
2. Review the alternatives below:
I – only part of the language is dictionized.
II – the lexicographer Mauro de Salles Villar made a dictionary by himself.
III – the Houaiss dictionary has exactly 230,000 entries.
Alternatives that do not match the information in the text are:
b) II.
c) I and II.
d) II and III.
e) I, II and III.
3. In relation to the first paragraph of the text, we can say that:
a) makes a historical review of the creation of dictionaries.
b) addresses the benefit of technology to search for new words.
c) presents steps, in broad strokes, of creating a dictionary.
d) values the most used words in the journalistic environment.
e) a dictionary does not need to publish the most frequent words.
4. In relation to the first paragraph of the text, we can say that:
a) makes a historical review of the creation of dictionaries.
b) addresses the benefit of technology to search for new words.
c) presents steps, in broad strokes, of creating a dictionary.
d) values the most used words in the journalistic environment.
e) a dictionary does not need to publish the most frequent words.
5. Review the following alternatives:
I - inventory (line 1)
II - current (line 3)
III - zero (line 4)
If we were to make a dictionary entry for these words, in the context in which they appear, what possible textual meanings would they have?
( ) something or someone that comes first.
( ) detailed description of something.
( ) something that flows and is accepted by many.
By André Tarragô Martins – Middle and Middle School Teacher of Portuguese Language and Master in Letters in the area of Language, Interaction and Learning Processes. In addition, he is a musician and journalist. He works in pre-university entrance exams, pre-contests, private lessons, preparation of competition tests and is content creator for the Portal www.acessaber.com.br.
At answers are in the link above the header.