Text interpretation, review of the book “Herdeiros de Esculápio – History and professional organization of Physiotherapy, aimed at students in the 3rd year of high school. The aim is to study the specific characteristics of the “review” genre.
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A group of physical therapy students chat casually in the college hallway. Suddenly, someone comments: – What I really want is to work in a Neo-ICU, because that's how I combine the two things I like the most; intensive care and pediatrics. Soon after, a colleague says that sports physiotherapy is the best for him. From there, passionate arguments in defense of neurological, orthopedic, dermato-functional, etc. physiotherapy followed... Until a student lacking common sense decided to make an unfortunate statement, stating that pediatric physiotherapy was a sub-area; this phrase interrupted the discussion and united all sides to reject such stupidity. The conversation was getting better and better, but it had to be stopped. Class was about to start.
This is a relatively common scene in college hallways, and you've probably even participated in a chat like this a few dozen times. The possibility of dreaming of a specialization (and even saying that there are “sub-areas) is only possible because physiotherapy is a legally regulated and autonomous profession first and foremost. But to get where we are today, it took a lot of blood, sweat and tears.
Who are we, where do we come from, where are we going?
In the not-too-distant past, the heroic pioneers of Brazilian physiotherapy founded associations to fight in defense of the ideals of the class itself. before the profession was regulated (that's right, there were physiotherapists before Decree-Law 938/69 - and I'm not referring to assistants ). The genesis of Brazilian physiotherapy, including a brief account of the creation of COFFITO and CREFITO-1 and some documents that illustrate the Behind the scenes of the battles faced by our profession are the great merit of the book “Heirs of Aesculapius – History and professional organization of Physiotherapy” by the Pernambuco physiotherapist Geraldo Barbosa, who fought (and still struggles) for the recognition and appreciation of our profession. In my opinion, this book should be a mandatory reference in the legal physiotherapy discipline, as it makes it very clear that physiotherapy does not it was born from a sleight of hand in 1969, and above all, that any political achievement of our category is preceded by organization and work hard. This book encourages the reader to learn more about his professional history and to politically engage in our class struggles. I recommend!!!
Anyone interested can visit the 14-F blog ( http://geraldobarbosa43.blogspot.com/)
If you want a copy, please ask the author directly by e-mail [email protected]
Enjoy reading and until la victoria siempre!
(Posted by physiotherapist Humberto). Available in: .
question 1 – Fill in the table below with information about the review:
Question 2 - Review the following statements about the review:
I. The title suggests the purpose for which the review serves.
II. The review is about scientific content.
III. Formality and informality are mixed in the construction of the review.
Only what is stated in:
b) III
c) I and II
d) I, II and III.
Question 3 - The reviewer used the so-called “rhetorical question”. Please transcribe it and explain why you are using this resource.
question 4 – Identify the excerpt that highlights the direct speech of the speaker (author) with the interlocutor (reader):
a) “In my opinion, this book should be a mandatory reference in the physiotherapy discipline […]”.
b) “[…] that any political achievement of our category is preceded by organization […]”.
c) “This book encourages the reader to learn more about his professional history […]”.
d) “I recommend!!!”.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.