Text interpretation activity using the text “O bunny pirracento”, aimed at fourth or fifth year students.
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A sweet bunny lived in the green woods, sweet and soft, but naughty. Whenever he saw any animal in the woods, he made fun of him.
One day, when he was sitting in the shade of a tree, a squirrel approached him and said, "Hello, Mr Rabbit!" The rabbit didn't respond. He looked over, stuck out his tongue and ran away. "How rude!" thought the squirrel.
On his way to his lair, he met a servant, who also wanted to greet him. “Good morning Mr Rabbit!”. Again the rabbit stuck its tongue out at the servant and ran away.
This happened several times with all the forest animals that the rabbit encountered along the way, one day all the animals decided to give a good lesson in the rude rabbit, and they made a deal so that when any of them saw the naughty rabbit, they wouldn't say hello, they would do it as if they didn't have it. visa.
And so it happened, for the next few days everyone ignored the rabbit. Nobody spoke to him or greeted him. One day, all the animals in the woods organized a party and the rabbit heard where they were going to celebrate and thought about going, even though he wasn't invited.
That afternoon, while all the animals were having fun, the rabbit appeared in the middle of the party, everyone pretended not to. had seen him, the rabbit, embarrassed by the lack of attention of his companions, decided to leave with his ears down.
The animals, with pity for the rabbit, decided to go to his lair and invite him to the party, not before making him promise that he would never again make fun of any of them. friends of the woods, the rabbit, very happy, promised never to tease his little friends of the woods again, and everyone had a lot of fun at the party and lived happily to ever.
1) What is the title of the text?
2) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
3) Who is the main character in the story?
4) Name some characteristics of the pissy bunny.
5) What was the pissy bunny's attitude towards the friends who greeted him?
6) What did the animals decide to do with the Pranky Rabbit?
7) What made the bunny change his mind?
At answers are in the link above the header.