The Indian Day, in Brazil, is celebrated on April 19th. It is a very important date for us to remember and cultivate the importance and recognition by the natives of our lands, as it is worth remembering that they were the first inhabitants of our country. The Indians cultivate different cultural values and with that, it makes the indigenous culture a very rich culture. O...
Indigenous peoples are said to be the oldest race on earth living in present times, they have inhabited the regions of the earth for millennia. It is very important that our children know the importance of these peoples to our culture. Therefore, we brought some activities about Indians for early childhood education, for you to exercise with your little one(s): Indigenous Word Search: Find and paint...
I selected several headdress models, check out some headdress ideas to use on the Indian Day, headdress with molds.
The discovery of Brazil is one of the most important dates in the history of our country. Therefore, we decided to select the best activities about discovering Brazil. Teachers can take advantage of each of the ideas below. There are several suggestions for activities and exercises in history, mainly about the origin and discovery of Brazil, they are activities ready to download and...
Patterns for the Indian's day, there are several headdress molds, a pattern for Indian clothes and some images of ready-made Indian clothes and headdress to improve help you in your creativity at the time of creation and adaptation that can meet the needs of students in this class. There are several suggestions for molds to be used especially during the week...
There are so many cool Indian Day games to use in the classroom, and also will help today's children to learn about many games that we teachers used to play when kid. There are several very creative play suggestions for the Indian's day. So let's get to know the indigenous games: The string play that was part of our childhood...
Make yourself a headdress for the Indian's day or print an Indian mask and let the children paint then tie an elastic band to make the indigenous masks for boys and girls look longer. cute. There are several ready-to-print Indian mask suggestions, and you can also paint or color it any way you like, for your...
We have selected some activities about Indian that can be applied in the classroom. One of the ideas is to carry out tasks with songs that talk about the life and history of the Indians. So, enjoy each one of them. Indian Day Activities
Celebrations and importance of the date On this day of the year, there are several events dedicated to the appreciation of indigenous culture. In schools, students usually do research on indigenous culture, museums hold exhibitions and municipalities organize commemorative parties. It should also be a day of reflection on the importance of preserving indigenous peoples, maintaining their lands...