THE thermal expansion it is the variation that occurs in the change of bodies when subjected to temperature variations.
All bodies, whether liquid, gaseous or solid, have an increase in their dimensions when there is also an increase in temperature.
This occurs due to the increase in the degree of agitation of its molecules, which causes an increase in the distance between them.
It is thermal expansion it happens significantly in gaseous bodies. Intermediately in liquids and stronger in solids.
We can consider the following example to better understand thermal expansion: Imagine a sphere, a ring and a candle.
The sphere at room temperature passes easily through the ring. When we heat the sphere with the candle fire, it undergoes thermal expansion in its body, making its passage impossible now.
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As described earlier, the increase in temperature causes the space and vibration between atoms to increase. This causes the body to increase in size.
At thermal expansion linear are considered the dimensions of the solid body, the length. For example, we have the rail bars of a train.
The rail bars are made with a space for the expansion not to bend when they gain heat or retract as the temperature drops.
THE thermal expansion it is not a visible phenomenon and its variation depends on the material and temperature to which it is exposed.
The coefficient of linear thermal expansion is constant in some temperature ranges and its tabulated values are obtained by temperature averages.
Where the variation in length (m or cm), initial length (m or cm), coefficient of linear expansion (ºC-1) and temperature variation (ºC) are calculated
THE thermal expansion superficial is a dilation suffered by a certain surface. The length and width expansion of a steel sheet is superficial.
If a disc with a center hole expands, the hole size and plate size will be simultaneous. Variation is predominant in two dimensions.
volumetric dilation THE thermal expansion Volumetric is the result of the increase in volume of a body when heating occurs. An example would be a gold bar. The greater the heat, the greater its size.
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