O Indian's day is a date celebrated annually in the April 19th here in Brazil. In schools across the country, teachers, especially from the Child education work this commemorative date in the classroom and thinking about it we have selected several tips and ideas for your Indian Day Class Plan for Early Childhood Education.
Arrocha dos Indiozinhos:
See too: 15 suggestions for songs about the Indians
a wonderful
Telling stories about the Indians, using the wheel for informal conversations with questions about the Indian. Show Indian engraving in music magazines and on DVD (film). Make them observe how the Indians dress, wear shoes, what's on their heads. Set up the “Cantinho do Índio” with the children. Make pasta paste with the children and headdress. And have a special snack in celebration of the Indian's day.
Make them recognize the body through exploration, through playing. Favor the development of temporal and psychomotor relationships, through the organization of space established by the daily routine. Exploring those of different body postures, such as sitting on different inclines, lying down in different positions, standing upright on the balls of your feet with and without help, crawling, crawling, rolling, walking, running, jumping etc.
Check out others Suggestions for Educational Activities.
Indian Day Class Plan for Early Childhood Education – 3 to 4 years
We also recommend that you check out: Gift Ideas and Templates for the Indian Day
Here I used as a base the little song “One, two, three little indians…” Shall we sing?
A little indian fishes a fish,
another little Indian paints his face.
And another little Indian eats a corn,
To get really strong.
They went to the place to make baskets,
when Mom approached.
He came dancing and sat in the hammock,
that almost then turned!
1) sing the song several times on the "music wheel" presenting visuals or making gestures;
2) enjoy the wheel and talk about the customs presented in the goals;
3) take a boat on this day made of painted cardboard, decorated, glued together with little fish, little Indian faces… and inside you will have to have space for the children. This will be the dynamic moment of the class, where you will make them experience a little of the life of the Indians. at that moment you will say: Are we going to imitate the little Indians in the song?
1) First stanza: if the boat fits, everyone will enter while the teacher will guide. If the boat fits few students, make this tour dividing the class. Hand out the headdresses to them and paint their faces; Ah! remember the “little noise” of the Indian with the mouth.
2) Second stanza: “the little indians” will leave the boat and go to the hollow which could be an improvised circle to sit down. Give them pieces of dry straw or even string to imitate the Indians making a handicraft (basket or bracelet, necklace…). If not, also improvise with a more resistant sheet.
At this moment, the indian mother (which can be the teacher or one of the girls) will come dancing and sit in the hammock with the others. Everyone will be swaying, and it's also better to be careful about dividing the group, otherwise the net will turn over.
Source: http://planoeaula.blogspot.com.br/2017/03/dia-do-indio-ideia-musical-para-uma_22.html
Indian Day Class Plan for Early Childhood Education
This Indigenous Day Lesson Plan for Early Childhood Education lasts approximately 1 week:
Activities to print
Indigenous Day Class Plan for Kindergarten and Elementary Education
The commemorative dates must be worked interdisciplinary in class. The Indian's Day is a special date that is always widely explored among children, making them know and value the plurality of Brazilian sociocultural heritage, in addition to cultural differences, the different peoples. Working the day of the Indian is to rescue our history and our roots. The project helps students to understand and build their identity and perceive themselves as an integral part of a society full of unique characteristics, values and cultures.
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