Portuguese activity, aimed at first-year high school students, explores the subordinate conjunctions. What is their role? Linking meaning-dependent sentences together! Let's analyze the relationships of meaning they establish in the exciting chronicle mila, by Carlos Heitor Cony? To do so, answer the various questions proposed!
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It was barely bigger than my hand: that's why I needed both of them to hold it, 13 years ago. And, as I wasn't very good at it, I held her against my chest so she wouldn't fall, just support this first time. I liked this heat and I believe she did too. Days later, when he opened his little eyes, he looked at me deeply: he chose me as owner. Worse: accepted me.
It was 13 years of affection and charm. We slept many nights together, her paw on my shoulder. I was afraid of wind. What to do against the wind?
Love her - was the answer and I also believe she understood that. We form, she and I, a dynamic duo against the traps that are being set. And also against those who do not accept those who love each other. When my father died, she came out, sympathetic, rested her head on my knees, she didn't demand my party, she didn't want to fight for space, to be greater than my sadness.
Having her by my side, I lost my fear of the world and the wind. And she had a litter of nine puppies, I chose one of her little daughters and our pair became more double because we became three. And we walked by Lagoa; with age, she acquired “smoke of noblemen” such as Dom Casmurro, by Machado de Assis. She was a lady, a queen of Sheba in a sun-drenched litter carried by imaginary subjects.
On Saturday, looking me in the eye, with her honey-colored eyes, beautiful as ever, more than loved by all, she let me kiss her, crying. Maybe she understood. Much bigger than my hand, much bigger than my chest, I took it to the end.
I considered myself a decent professional. Until last week, no matter what, I tried to do my duty within my limitations. It was not possible to reach the office where, quietly, lying at my feet, she waited for me to finish the chronicle in order to be with her.
Until the last moment, she looked at me, choosing me and accepting me. I took her, in my arms, leaning against my chest. I squeezed it tight, knowing it would be bigger than the longing.
CONY, Carlos Hector. Mila. In: Animal Stories. Viana, Maria Org. To Enjoy Reading – São Paulo – Editora Ática – 2013).
Question 1 - The conjunction is subordinate when it links meaning-dependent sentences together. Point out the sentence in which there is a subordinate conjunction:
( ) “[…] that's why I needed both of them to hold her […]”
( ) "And also against those who do not accept those who love each other."
( ) “[…] she acquired 'nobleman's smoke' like Dom Casmurro, by Machado de Assis.”
Question 2 - In the sentence “And, as I wasn't very good […]”, the author used the subordinate conjunction “how” to express:
( ) a cause
( ) a comparison
( ) a conformity
Question 3 - In this excerpt, there is a subordinate conjunction. Underline it:
“[…] I held her to my chest so she wouldn't fall, simple support this first time.”
Question 4 – In the excerpt above, the subordinate conjunction indicates:
( ) a condition
( ) a purpose
( ) a consequence
Question 5 - In “When my father died, she came together, in solidarity […]”, the subordinate conjunction establishes a relationship between the prayers:
( ) place
( ) time
( ) intensity
Question 6 – In the segment “[…] beautiful as never […]”, the term “how” is:
( ) a preposition
( ) an adverb of intensity
( ) a comparative subordinative conjunction
Question 7 – It can be said that the subordinate conjunctions, analyzed in the previous questions, comprise:
( ) A tale
( ) a chronicle
( ) a review
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.