Portuguese activity, recommended for students in the seventh year of elementary school, breaks down the nouns.Are we going to identify them, classify them and understand the roles they play? So, answer a bunch of proposed questions based on the text Did you know? He tells us various facts about sea turtles! That's great, isn't it?
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▪ There are seven species of sea turtles and five of them are found in Brazil. Most live in hot climate regions as they depend on external heat to balance their body temperature.
▪ Only females come out of the water to lay their eggs in the sand.
▪ Turtles, at birth, hatch from their eggs, dig until they reach the surface of the sand and run towards the sea.
▪ Leatherback turtles are the biggest: they reach up to 800 kg and 1.80 m.
“Recreio Magazine”. São Paulo: April, year 7, n. 358, 18 Jan. 2007.
Question 1 - Nouns are words that:
a) name the beings.
b) determine the beings.
c) characterize the beings.
d) substitute the names of beings.
Question 2 - Look closely at the fragment of text about turtles. Then underline the nouns that comprise it:
"Only females come out of the water to lay their eggs in the sand."
Question 3 - In the passage “There are seven species of turtles seascapes […]", the term underlined:
a) explains the noun “turtles”.
b) determines the noun “turtles”.
c) characterizes the noun “turtles”.
d) complements the noun “turtles”.
Question 4 – Identify in the text:
a) the proper noun:
b) the compound noun:
Question 5 - In “[…] because it depends on external heat […]”, the abstract noun “heat” expresses:
a) a feeling
b) a quality
c) a state
d) a feeling
Question 6 – In the segment “[…] they reach up to 800 kg and 1.80 m.”, the pronoun “elas” takes up an expression formed by a more substantive definite article. Tick it:
a) "the turtles"
b) "the females"
c) "The little turtles"
d) "The leatherback turtles"
Question 7 – Identify the gender of the noun "turtles":
a) epicene
b) super common
c) common of two genders
d) uncertain
Question 8 – "Most live in regions of hot weather […]”. Check the noun whose plural follows the noun rule highlighted in this passage of text:
a) citizen
b) volcano
c) captain
d) blessing
Question 9 – The noun "surface" is accented because:
a) is proparoxytone.
b) is an oxytone ending in “e”.
c) is a paroxytone ending in a vowel.
d) is a paroxytone ending in a diphthong.
Question 10 - The underlined noun composes the subject of the sentence:
a) "Most live in regions of climate hot […]"
b) “[…] to balance the temperature of the body."
c) “[…] and run towards the sea.”
d) “The leather turtles are the biggest […]”
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.