several educational activities with Math Problems 4 year of elementary school. Excellent resources ready to print and apply in the classroom or as homework.
There are several activities ready and formatted for A4 sheet.
One ice cream maker sold 2,660 ice cream in 7 days. How many ice creams did he sell a day?
To do a job, teacher Flávia divided the 3 groups of the 5th year with 108 students into 4 groups. How many groups were formed?
A farmer had 285 oxen. He bought another 176 oxen and then sold 85 oxen. How many oxen does this farmer have now?
At Melissa's school a carnival ball was held. Of the 754 students, 348 were missing. How many students went to the dance?
Pedro Otávio bought the following school supplies: A pen R$ 00.50; A block of sulfite R$5.00; One sharpener R$1.00; A scissors R$ 2.00. How much did Pedro Otávio spend?
For the organization of the World Cup games table, the 48 participating countries were divided into 8 groups with the same number of teams. Each group stayed with?
Check out a short list of activities situations problems using the division:
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Below, check out some situations 4 year math problems involving addition and subtraction with answers:
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