Mathematics activity, suitable for fourth-year elementary school students, about the properties of addition. This activity proposes exercises with menu analysis, table and problem situations to assimilate the commutative property of addition.
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1) The science teacher at the “Primavera” school went to the nutritionist who was in charge of the group's meals and asked for the day's menu. Students were interested in learning how to maintain a good diet and balance foods well. So the teacher, along with the students and the nutritionist analyzed the following menu:
The. How many calories were eaten for breakfast?
B. If at lunch everyone only ate chicken, lettuce, potatoes and tomatoes, how many calories would be ingested?
ç. Adding 350 calories from breakfast, plus 934 calories from lunch, plus 728 from dinner, we would have a total of ________ calories.
d. Adding the number of calories found in the letter 'c' with the calories of food at bedtime, you would give:
2) In a survey carried out by students in the 5th year of the “Primavera” school, about Brazilian states, it was found that the population was as follows:
Follow the table below, analyze it to answer alternatives a, b and c of question 2.
The. Calculate the total population of the states of Piauí and Alagoas. Take the test to verify accuracy.
B. What is the population of Espírito Santo and Pará together?
ç. If we gathered the population of Piauí, Pará and Alagoas, how many inhabitants would we have? Take the test to check it out.
3) Students at the “Primavera” school learned that a group of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts from the above states would gather. They would be:
Piauí – 26 scouts and 12 scouts
Holy Spirit – 18 scouts and 20 scouts
For – 23 scouts and 21 scouts
alagoas– 13 scouts and 9 scouts
The. How many people in total would participate in the meeting?
B. The group of scouts and scouts from Espírito Santo came by plane and found during the flight that there were 168 occupied seats and 36 empty seats. How many seats in all were on the plane?
ç. After the meeting, the group of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts decided to play some games of basketball, volleyball, soccer and ping-pong. Football was played in two rounds. The Alagoas team scored 12 points in the first round and 0 in the second round. The team from Piauí scored 0 in the first round and 12 points in the second round. Who scored the most points?
d. The basketball tournament was played in three rounds. The Pará team scored 15 goals in the first round, 12 goals in the second and 9 goals in the third round. The Espírito Santo team scored 12 goals in the first, 9 goals in the second and 15 goals in the third round. How many goals did each team score?
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva
At answers are in the link above the header.