Philosophy activity, developed for first year high school students, with questions elaborated on philosophical experiences.
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Exhibition visitor: Airton Queiroz Collection, at the Unifor Cultural Space (University of Fortaleza). In contemplating a work of art, we can also experience a break in the normal flow of our lives.
1) Mark the alternative that presents basic processes that generally mark the philosophical experience:
a) estrangement, questioning and philosophical answer.
b) strangeness and wisdom.
c) questioning, philosophical answer and wisdom.
d) strangeness, wisdom and philosophical answer.
2) About estrangement or displacement:
I. This is the first step in the philosophical experience.
II. It occurs when a person experiences a break or interruption in the normal flow of their life.
III. In this process, the person stops to think or observe something that he did not see before, or that he lived automatically, without realizing it, without questioning himself.
The alternative is correct:
a) Only I and II
b) Only II and III
c) Only I and III
d) I, II and III
3) Explain how the process of philosophical experience called “questioning or inquiry” takes place?
4) Check (V) for true and (F) for false:
a) ( )The philosophical answer consists of a third step so that there is a complete philosophical experience.
b) ( ) In the philosophical answer, after a calm and deep reflection, the answer to be elaborated should constitute a speech, that is, the enunciation of a reasoning, in the which ideas should be logically ordered in order to express an understanding of the problem and, as far as possible, find a solution to he.
c) ( ) The discourse constituted in the philosophical answer must have a universal character, that is, it can be applied to all cases or people.
d) ( ) Philosophical answers are not “any” answer, because to philosophize is not to think in any way.
5) Recall a moment in your life that made you stop to think. Write a text about this situation that contains the following elements: place, date, people involved, sensations, emotions, problem (doubts or questions), answers you arrived at.
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva- Graduated in Literature and Pedagogy and postgraduated in Special Education
At answers are in the link above the header.