Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, about tools made by capuchin monkeys for many years. According to the text, In research, biologists and archaeologists have located primate artifacts, demonstrating the cognitive development of human ancestors in America.. Will we learn more about this interesting study? So, read the text carefully and then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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In research, biologists and archaeologists have located primate artifacts, demonstrating the cognitive development of human ancestors in America.
André Nogueira
In Piauí, a series of traces of a group of capuchin monkeys that used tools to break seeds was discovered. and stones for at least 3,000 years, adapting the tools over time and depending on the type of food they were used. The discovery is of paramount importance in studies of the brain development of primates in the isolation of the American continent.
The research started with materials excavated in Boqueirão da Pedra Furada, in the city of São Raimundo Nonato, in the interior of Piauí. The team involved different areas of knowledge, such as biology, psychology, ethology and archeology. The researchers pointed out that apes passed on artifactual knowledge to each other in a cultural way.
These are chipping techniques that involve the use of an anvil and hammer made of stone. They were mainly used in the production of lithic materials and for breaking seeds. In the stratigraphy of the field, it is possible to trace the evolution of the use of these tools in the 3,000 years of territorial occupation. The preference for smaller stones during the period is visible. The scenario changed 2,500 years ago, when stones started to increase – it's only been 100 years since there has been a return to the use of smaller stones.
For the research to be carried out, it was necessary to isolate a housing area in Serra da Capivara that was not previously occupied by human beings. In the case of lithic artifacts, it is easier to perceive that they are materials made by monkeys, as the chipped human stones were larger than the chips used by the capuchin monkeys.
The finding is important for in-depth studies of primate artifactual tools. In addition to humans, capuchin monkeys are the only primates on the American continent to produce tools. In general, this occurs among animals with terrestrial habits, which have more contact with stones.
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Question 1 - Point out the purpose of the text read:
( ) report a fact.
( ) tell a story.
( ) debate a subject.
Question 2 - In the part “[…] a series of trace elements of a group […]”, the highlighted term means:
( ) "signals".
( ) "actions".
( ) “apparitions”.
Question 3 - In the fragment “[…] depending on the type of food in which were used.”, the underlined expression refers to:
( ) to seeds.
( ) to stones.
( ) the tools.
Question 4 – In the passage “They were used mainly in the production of lithic materials and for breaking seeds.”, the author of the text explains the function:
Question 5 - According to the text, "The preference for smaller stones is visible":
( ) during 3,000 years of territorial occupation.
( ) 2,500 years ago.
( ) 100 years ago.
Question 6 – Highlight below the expression that establishes a relationship of purpose between the facts:
“For the research to be carried out, it was necessary to isolate a housing area in the Serra […]”
Question 7 – Identify the fact that led researchers to the perception of lithic artifacts made by apes:
Question 8 – At the end of the text, the author:
( ) highlights the relevance of the discovery in Piauí.
( ) makes a reservation about the discovery in Piauí.
( ) raises a hypothesis about the discovery in Piauí.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.