You mineral salts are inorganic compounds important for the entire development of the human body, there are several types of mineral salts and each with its specific function within our metabolism.
Are we going to meet any of them?
The mineral salts are of great importance for the correct functioning of the body's metabolism, it does not have the capacity to produce the salts minerals, that is, it must be obtained through balanced foods and some oral vitamins, they are great enzyme activators and it is an important osmotic balancer, that is, it helps in the correct distribution of water in the membranes of our body, mineral salts can be divided into macrominerals and microminerals.
Macrominerals are minerals that our body needs around 100 mg daily, such as calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chlorine and finally magnesium. As for microminerals, the amount is less than 100 mg, more or less 20 mg per day, we can find them in iron, copper, iodine, fluorine.
As much as the daily consumption of both is different, it doesn't mean that one is more important than the other, only the daily amount needed is different, that is, not we need so many amounts of them in our body, they are all important, if in our daily lives we do not include minerals in our diet, our organism will suffer severely consequences.
Calcium: Calcium is rich in vitamins, it is essential for bones and especially in their formation and firmness, as is the case with our teeth as well, teeth need calcium to remain strong. The absence of it causes great damage, it can leave the bones weaker, with less flexibility and can lead the person to suffer several injuries, thus causing osteoporosis, it is also related to blood clotting and contraction muscle. The symbol for calcium as a chemical element is Ca
Calcium in Food: We can find calcium in the main foods of everyday life, such as milk and dairy products, egg yolks, cereals, and various types of vegetables
PHOSPHOR: Likewise calcium, helps strengthen bones and teeth and is a great ally in energy production. to carry out activities, and we find in its composition nucleic acids that are present in our DNA. Phosphorus also helps in the formation of various proteins present in our body and helps to maintain normal blood pH. The symbol for Sodium as a chemical element is P.
Phosphorus in Food: We can find it in cereals, meats, eggs, breads, milk and dairy products
POTASSIUM: Potassium is also a great mineral important for our body, it contains substances that help in muscle contraction, guarantees the proper functioning of the body's nerves, and most importantly, is a great ally for the proper functioning of the heartbeat cardiac.
Potassium Food: We can find potassium in fruits, milk, meat and cereals,
SODIUM: Excess sodium can bring great harm to health, it must be consumed properly, as its large consumption can cause kidney stones and high blood pressure. The symbol of sodium as a chemical element is Na, its color is white and can be found in many foods. With moderate consumption it is an ally for the heart and muscles.
Sodium Food: Table salt, cheeses, vegetables
MAGNESIUM: It is responsible for the proper functioning of muscles, nerves, and our metabolism, magnesium helps regulate blood pressure, gradually improves bones and the teeth, kidney function works well, chronic fatigue that affects many people has a great ally against, which is magnesium, its chemical form is Mg.
Magnesium Food: Vegetables with dark green leaves, cereals, citrus fruits, and some legumes
IRON: Iron is a super important nutrient in the formation of hemoglobin, it is a reddish pigment found within the emaphes, is directly linked with the transport of oxygen to our body, when there is inefficient production it can cause anemia. Iron greatly helps boost immunity and helps improve brain activity. Nails, skin and hair are grateful for a diet rich in iron, and for women it is a great ally against PMS
Food iron: Liver, heart, beets, eggs, cereals, yolks, green vegetables
FLUORINE: Conservation of teeth and bones, it helps to prevent tooth decay and fights bad breath, strengthens tooth enamel and serves as a great agent in teeth cleaning, its chemical symbol is F,
How to find it: Fluorinated water, treated water
IODINE: Iodine helps in the production of thyroid hormones, failure to produce thyroid hormones can occur due to a lack of iodine, which can affect growth and metabolism. The chemical element of Iodine is I. It is a great ally in the correct functioning of the heart, liver, kidneys, ovaries, and daily energy production.
Feed iodine: Seafood, table salt, vegetables, and some fruits.
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