Check out several Book Day Activities, ready to print and apply to early graders. In the month of April, there are 3 commemorative dates referring to books, check out a landing covering them:
In schools across Brazil, teachers use these dates to work with students in the classroom, (Especially in Early Childhood Education), and it was with this in mind that we selected these super tips and suggestions for Book Day Activities.
See more at:
Other suggestions at: Project: Book Day
Find the names of the characters from the yellow woodpecker's site on the diagram
More in: Project for Children's Book Day
A wonderful alternative to work the Book Day, are the Activities on Text Book Day:
In the classroom, one of the most common things, especially in the Child education it's the famous MURAL AND PANELS to decorate the environment. Check out some suggestions for your Book Day decoration.
On almost all school commemorative dates they allow the teacher to make party favors. This work can be done together with the students.
Other suggestions: Activities Children's Book Day Monteiro Lobato
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