Exchange is the nomenclature that is given when one of the parties is obliged to give something in exchange for something other than financial currency.
In exchange, the exchange is made for any product that does not. be value in currency. Exchange is widely used in real estate when. exchanges are made for land, houses or apartments.
A barter is the contract by which the parties undertake to give. one thing for another that is not monetary value. It is a bilateral, commutative, translational and onerous property contract that serves as a title. acquired. Each member of the exchange is obliged to transfer the o. domain of the object of its provision. All things are exchangeable. that can be sold, and need not be of equal value.
Examples with the word:
Swap is often used in advertising as being. an exchange negotiation for marketing services. It can also be one. space negotiation of a communication vehicle, such as newspaper, television, etc. Celebrities also exchange, when they exchange their disclosure in the. media for some provision of service, to be negotiated, whether objects, or. anything else of which must be shown in public, with restriction of. brands.
According to article 533 of the civil code, exchange in advertising. designates negotiation of space or time of a vehicle, in exchange for products or. advertiser services, cash or by prior agreement between the two. parts, its value being calculated based on the net price of the media and us. product or service prices without trade profit margins.
Crossing over is known in the field of biology as a biological process in which paired homologous chromosomes exchange genetic information.
The exchange occurs during prophase and she is responsible for. creating chromosomes that have new combinations of alleles.
In mathematics, the name permutation is the expression for each. of the ways in which a set of elements can be ordered.
Substitution of each quantity by the next and the last by the. first. By means of circular permutations of the order 1, 2, 3, 4, as. following: 2, 3, 4.1 / 3, 4, 1, 2 / 4, 1, 2, 3.
One of the trends that is gaining a vast territory is a. real estate exchange.
When we talk about real estate, it is the name given in an onerous contract in which a certain property is given in exchange for the acquisition of another property. In these cases, there is no payment in monetary value. For example, if a person exchanges his land for another land with the same value or not, this is called a real estate exchange.
In real estate, it has grown a lot because it is a business option where two parties exchange goods at the same time. As we are talking about real estate exchange, these assets can be apartments, houses, commercial properties or land.
This exchange does not necessarily have to be for values. equivalents, since one of the parties can exchange compensation in exchange. the difference in the previously established payment terms.
In the real estate sector, the trend has been growing a lot, as it is an excellent payment alternative that can bring good results. advantages for traders. Lately, in times of crisis, it's very difficult. sell a property for a reasonable market value.
The barter then becomes advantageous to buy a property. without having to pay large amounts or enter into financing.
In real estate, it has legal value and is a commercial transaction of legal security. That is, if there is a legal process, the transaction of an exchange is recognized before a judge. But to have legal validity, there must be a prior agreement between the parties, especially in relation to the amounts involved.
First, there needs to be an assessment of. buyers for the value of each property. A transaction either involves barter. it can be a difficult negotiation for both. parties, after all, the buyer usually wants to give away a lesser property. value to have easy payment terms and the final price discounted.
As we have seen before, the barter has a legal value, or. that is, it is recognized before the judge in a legal process. So something that. must be extremely careful is the real estate exchange contract. It is necessary. carry out a public deed for negotiations of this magnitude.
Buyers and sellers should also be aware of. responsibility for taxes and the date of delivery of the properties, which they need. appear in the document.
It is important to remember that this process is equivalent to purchasing e. sale of real estate for financial value. That means you have to take them all. the precautions common to other real estate contracts. This encompasses doing a. deed, which will cost between 4 and 6% of the value of the property.
When the properties have the same value, it ends up being advantageous for the real estate company as well, as they are exempt from income tax taxation. This happens when there is no turns (complementation by the difference), that is, when the properties have the same value.
See too: Upgrade.
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