Mathematics Activity, proposed to fourth-year elementary school students, with exercises on addition and mental calculus.
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1) Mental calculation:
The chart below records the sale at the stationery shop by Valentina's father, month by month, from January to April. She decided to calculate the sale by putting the months together.
January and February: 400+500=900, since 4 hundreds+5 hundreds = 9 hundreds and 9 hundreds =900 units.
February and March: 500+600=1100, since 5 hundreds+6 hundreds =11 hundreds and 11 hundreds =1100.
Now analyze the chart and calculate the sale by joining the months of March and April:
a.600+300= 6 hundreds+3 hundreds =
b.January, February and March:
400+500+600= 4 hundreds +5 hundreds+6 hundreds=
c.January and April:
400+500+600+300= 4 hundreds +5 hundreds +6 hundreds +3 hundreds=
2).In which month did the stationery store sell the most books?
3).In which month did the stationery store sell less books?
4).In the 4th year at Danilo's school there are 158 boys and 200 girls.
In total, how many students are there in this room?
5)Maria had R$8000.00 and won R$3000.00.
Now she has:
6) Calculate:
a) 4998+3=
b) 65000+4000=
c) 15000+1869=
d) 48+70=
e) 995+5=
f) 603+2020=
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva
At answers are in the link above the header.