Celebrated annually on the day July 29, O St. Martha's Day is a commemorative date that honors the sister of Mary of Bethany and Lazarus.
Mary of Bethany she was a very close friend of Jesus Christ and because of that the Messiah would have resurrected Lazarus.
When Jesus was going to travel to Bethany, he stayed at Marta's house. There he felt comfortable and was able to rest.
Soon after the death of Jesus, Martha and her brothers made a trip to France to escape persecution against the Jews, and until the end of their lives they were evangelizing in the French lands.
Regarded as the patroness of the home, cooks, housewives, cleaning ladies, guest houses, hoteliers, laundresses and sisters of charity, the popular devotion to Mary of Bethany, started during the period of the Crusades.
For other commemorative dates, Click here
Saint Martha, my saint, welcome me to your protection, as I entrust myself to your protection, and as a proof of my affection for You, I offer this light, which I will light every Tuesday during this novena.
For the happiness you had in hosting the Divine Savior of the World in your house, console me in my pains. Intercede today and always for me and my family, so that we may have the help of Almighty God, in the difficulties of our lives.
I beg you to have infinite mercy towards me, granting me the grace that I ask of you today with all my heart. (Order is made). I beg you to make me overcome the obstacles of life, as you conquered the dragon that you have under your feet. Amen Jesus.
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