THE Karaoke Dynamics has as its main objective, learn everyone's name. An excellent resource for working in your company, back to school (beginning of the school year) among other places.
No need to no material specific and also doesn't have participant limit for this fun dynamic.
Is it just for school? NO!! It can be worked among other places for example among employees of a company.
The coordinator should ask the participants for a circle and then after he has to show everyone that they should sing and dance in the same way as the main singer.
The coordinator must start to encourage and break shyness.
The coordinator should sing like this: “My name is Example: Jesus”, and everyone should sing and dance like this: “His name is Example: Jesus”.
Everyone should sing and dance in a different rhythm than those who have already sung and danced.
Focused attention, agility, dynamism, interpersonal relationships, humor, persistence, resistance to frustration, creativity, leadership, interpersonal relationships, sociability.
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