Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the sixth year of elementary school, about President Kubitschek. Its unique landscape is made up of mountains, waterfalls, streams and waterfalls that delight all tourists, forming a beautiful landscape mixed with its vast native vegetation. Let's get to know the city “President Kubitschek” better? To do this, read the text carefully and then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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3,053 inhabitants
A peaceful municipality located in the center-north of Minas Gerais, in the middle of the Serra do Espinhaço, Presidente Kubitschek is approximately 298 km from Belo Horizonte.
Its unique landscape is made up of mountains, waterfalls, streams and waterfalls that enchant all tourists, forming a beautiful landscape mixed with its vast native vegetation.
One of the main attractions of the city is in the Funil region, where the Funil canyon and waterfall are located. There it is possible to come across several waterfalls and mountain ranges. The place is sought after by lovers of climbing, hang gliding and paragliding. The city also has ancient landmarks.
The Gruta da Capela Velha is a place that served as a home for people who used to live in the city. In the place, there are still some vestiges such as beds molded in stones that were covered with grass and cave paintings.
The city also has several cultural manifestations that cross generations and enrich the soul of the people who appreciate them, such as the Holy Week celebration, the Festa do Kubitschekense Absente and the Festa da Patron Saint.
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Question 1 - In the excerpt “Its unique landscape is composed of mountain ranges, waterfalls, streams and waterfalls […]”, the author of the text characterizes:
( ) "Minas Gerais".
( ) “President Kubitschek”.
( ) "Belo Horizonte".
Question 2 - “Peaceful municipality […]”. Name an adjective that could take the place of "Pacato":
question 3 – Write out the number of inhabitants of “President Kubitschek”:
Question 4 – The author of the text presents an opinion in the passage:
( ) “[…] Presidente Kubitschek is approximately 298 km from Belo Horizonte.”
( ) “[…] a beautiful landscape mixed with its vast native vegetation.”
( ) “Gruta da Capela Velha is a place that served as a dwelling place for people […]”
Question 5 - In the period “There it is possible to come across several waterfalls and mountain ranges.”, the word “There” refers to:
( ) to the Funil region.
( ) to the canyon.
( ) to the Funnel waterfall.
Question 6 – Reread this excerpt:
"The place is sought after by lovers of climbing or hang gliding and paragliding."
Note that the above excerpt was built in passive voice. Identify the alternative in which it was converted into active voice:
( ) "Lovers of climbing or hang gliding and paragliding have sought the location."
( ) "Lovers of climbing or hang gliding and paragliding are looking for the place."
( ) "Lovers of climbing or hang gliding and paragliding will look for the location."
Question 7 – In the segment “In the place, there are still some traces such as beds molded in stones […]”, the word “how” indicates:
( ) a cause.
( ) An example.
( ) a comparison.
question 8– In the sentence “[…] who appreciate them […]”, the term “as” takes up again:
( ) “various cultural manifestations”.
( ) “generations”.
( ) "people".
Question 9 – Identify the purpose of the text:
( ) publicize a place.
( ) tell a story.
( ) report an event.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.