December 8th is celebrated annually here in Brazil the Family Day. This commemorative date was considered a religious holiday, but nowadays it is not considered a national holiday.
This day is very important and was created to honor and remind everyone about the importance of family in the life of each being.
It is called family the group of people who are related to each other and live in the same house, forming a home.
One family traditional is usually formed by the father and mother, united by marriage or de facto union, and by one or more children, composing a family nuclear or elemental.
But, family is not (father and mother). We consider family to be all those who care for and keep us safe in some way, whether protecting or welcoming.
It is also celebrated on May 15th the International Family Day. This date honors the family institution, an essential nucleus for the moral formation of all individuals.
In day October 24, 1963, Decree of Law No. 52,748 was entitled.
THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC, using the powers conferred on him by article 87, item I, of the Constitution and
WHEREAS the family, since the early stages of civilization, has been the base cell of human clusters;
WHEREAS, later, in societies that are perfectly organized and independent of ideology, political system, social organization or religious belief, the family continues to be the fundamental link of themselves,
Single article. The “National Family Day”, to be celebrated throughout the national territory, on December 8 of each year is instituted.
To work with this commemorative date in the classroom, check out some suggestions for working with early graders:
Find the Way: Take the girl to her family.
This is the family of zezinho and nestling. They have another little brother, “Paulinho”. His parents are called Antônio and Maria.
And your family, what is it like? let's draw it
Draw the people who live with you
Cut out the people who are part of your family from newspapers and magazines and build your family tree.
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