Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the sixth year of elementary school, about porpoise. According to the author of the text, she is a very small cousin of whales, porpoises and dolphins. That's right: the porpoise is an aquatic mammal – a cetacean, as researchers prefer to call it. Let's get to know the porpoise better? To do so, read the text carefully. A small endangered cetacean! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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Carefully read the text. Then answer the proposed interpretative questions:
She is a very small cousin of whales, porpoises and dolphins. That's right: the porpoise is an aquatic mammal – a cetacean, as researchers prefer to call it. It did not venture far beyond the coast and hardly exceeds 40 meters deep in the sea. Although it swims in shallow water, seeing a porpoise is rare, because it is at serious risk of extinction.
The porpoise's menu includes very small fish and squid. But, by all appearances, his favorite dish is shrimp, which he captures from the muddy bottom of the sea with his long snout full of sharp teeth.
Porpoise gestation lasts about 11 months. Only one baby is born at a time, measuring 70 to 80 centimeters in length. Porpoise moms are very careful with their pups. They are always around to protect them from attack by natural predators such as sharks and huge orcas.
But there is another great danger at sea for porpoises: fishing nets. Because it is a mammal, the porpoise needs to go up to the surface to breathe and, in doing so, it ends up stuck in nets, from which it usually comes out very injured or even dead.
The garbage dumped on the coast by ships that dock at marinas and also by shipyards – industries that build ships – further worsen the porpoise's living conditions.
For these reasons, the National Action Plan for the Conservation of Porpoise was created. Researchers and rulers have allied to take urgent measures to save the species. You can help too! Get to know a little more about the habits of this friendly animal and help ensure that the sea is always clean.
salvatore Sicilian. “Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine. Edition 230. Available in: .
Question 1 - In "A small threatened cetacean", the text refers to:
( ) to the boto.
( ) to porpoise.
( ) to the dolphin.
Question 2 - According to the author of the text, “sighting a porpoise is rare”. Explain:
Question 3 - Point out the porpoises' favorite food:
( ) “squid”.
( ) "shrimp".
( ) “very small fish”.
Question 4 – What does it mean to say that “mother porpoises are very careful with their pups”?
( ) It means to say that porpoise moms are very busy with their puppies.
( ) It means to say that porpoise moms are very careful with their puppies.
( ) It means to say that porpoise moms are very understanding with their puppies.
Question 5 - Identify the fact that, according to the author of the text, most threatens the lives of the porpoises:
( ) “fishing nets”.
( ) “the garbage thrown on the coast”.
( ) “natural predators”.
Question 6 – In “[…] when you do this, you end up stuck in networks […]”, what does the term “this” refer to?
Question 7 – The highlighted adjective expresses the author's opinion in the excerpt:
( ) “[…] with its long muzzle full of teeth sharp.”
( ) “[…] natural predators such as sharks and huge orcas."
( ) “Try to know a little more about the habits of this kind animal […]”
Question 8 – The section "industries that build ships":
( ) defines “shipyards”.
( ) characterizes “shipyards”.
( ) complements “shipyards”.
Question 9 – In the segment “[…] collaborate so that the sea is always clean.”, the author:
( ) makes an appeal.
( ) gives an order.
( ) raises a hypothesis.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.