We selected in this post some ideas and tips for your 5 year annual planning.
School planning is a task of the educator who understands both the prediction of activities in terms of organization and coordination in view of the proposed objectives, regarding their review and adequacy during the process education. Through planning, the teacher programs the actions of their classes, which is also a moment of research and reflection closely linked to assessment (LIBÂNEO, 2013).
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Planning in the school environment must be considered as an activity that presupposes knowledge of the internal dynamics of the teaching and learning process and the conditions that determine its realization. In this sense, teaching planning basically consists of the teacher's action in defining the objectives to be achieved, from its work program to eventual and necessary changes in course, in which it is up to the teacher to diagnose the objective to be achieved, the teaching and assessment strategies, and acting in order to obtain feedback from their students in the sense of redirect your story.
Thus, the lesson plan is the forecast of content development for a class or a set of classes and has a very specific character, as it depicts the detailing of the teaching plan, subdividing its actions into classes daily. The preparation of these classes is an indispensable task and will result in a written document that will serve not only for guide the teacher's actions as well as to enable constant revisions and improvements from year to year year.
And it was with this in mind that we selected these wonderful suggestions for your 5 year annual planning, check out:
See more at: Annual teaching plans for all subjects in Kindergarten and Elementary Education
Wonderful 5 year annual plan prepared by CEVIVA, check the link below and download it in PDF.
The contents will be taught in the most flexible and diversified way possible, seeking to meet the essential needs for the development of children as beings in formation, awakening them interest.
The evaluation of all subjects will be as established in the Pedagogical Proposal and School regulations, allowing the identification of advances and difficulties that arise during the stages of the knowledge construction process, enabling the teacher to re-dimension their intervention in the process. pedagogical. The assessment will be present at all stages of the process, assuming a comprehensive and continuous character.
The assessment will be diagnostic, continuous, procedural and cumulative.
The evaluation criteria will be diversified: written and oral evaluation, individual and group work, exhibitions, researches and interviews.
The teacher will use various means to reach the end of the bimester, making the sum where students must reach the minimum average for approval = 6.0. For students who did not reach the passing grade, the concomitant recovery will be made, providing students with the acquisition of the necessary knowledge for promotion
More in: Lesson Plan - Lesson Plan Templates
Excellent 5 year annual planning model, prepared by the Immaculate Conception College:
We also recommend other suggestions: List: 146 ready-made Lesson Plans
This annual plan for 5 years of English, was prepared by "EMEF JOAQUIM OSÓRIO DUQUE ESTRADA" - Area of Knowledge: English Language, with the following objectives:
→ Download in PDF
Other suggestions at: LIST: 138 SUGGESTED CLASS PLANS
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