Portuguese activity, aimed at 8th grade students, proposes the study of simple guy, based on the text Indifference. The activity consists of several questions about this content.
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That crowd of people was running towards him. Suddenly, they all stopped, someone came forward and asked him, out of mercy, to find employment for those people. After all, they just wanted their daily bread. They were hungry. He was impassive. The crowd knelt. Some ladies, with children in their laps, even cried. He remained indifferent. An old woman came walking towards her and fell. Someone told her she was dead. He did not say anything. Then a sixteen-year-old girl approached, knelt before the old woman's body, and burst into tears. That brutal, grim cry touched her heart. That's when he got up and took action: he left the cinema.
Leon Eliachar. “The man squared”. São Paulo: Círculo do Livro, 1960, p.35.
Question 1 - Mark the subject of the sentence “Suddenly, they all stopped […]”:
a) “That crowd of people”.
b) “all”.
c) “they”.
d) “The crowd”.
Question 2 - In “After all, they only wanted their daily bread.”, the simple subject “they” refers to who?
Question 3 - Check the alternative where the simple subject was incorrectly identified:
a) “[…] someone came forward and asked him for mercy […]” (Subject: “someone”)
b) "He was impassive." (Subject: "Him")
c) "Some ladies, with children in their arms, even cried." (Subject: "children in lap")
d) "An old woman came walking towards you and fell." (Subject: "An old lady")
Question 4 – Highlight the simple subjects of the following prayers:
a) “Then a girl of sixteen years of age approached […]”
b) "That brutal, grim cry touched his heart."
Question 5 - In all the following sentences, the pronoun "he" plays the role of a simple subject, except in:
a) "That crowd of people ran towards him."
b) "He was impassive."
c) "He remained indifferent."
d) "He didn't say anything."
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.