Portuguese activity, focused on students in the ninth year of elementary school, addresses the nouns. Are we going to study them? To do so, answer the various questions proposed that explore the nouns present in the text Saint Vincent, cradle of democracy! Did you know that São Vicente was the first city in Brazil? Learn more about this subject by reading the text! Next, be sure to learn more about nouns!
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Do you know which was the first city in Brazil? If you thought of “São Vicente”, you're right. This municipality of São Paulo was first sighted and baptized by the Portuguese in the year 1502, when the expedition of the navigator Gaspar Lemos visited Brazilian lands. Of course, from there until it became the city it is today, São Vicente went through a lot.
In the year 1530, the king of Portugal, who at the time was D. João III, organized a large squadron of 5 ships and about 400 men, led by Captain Martim Afonso de Sousa. Their mission was to come to Brazil and perform a series of tasks, such as discovering gold and silver mines, expelling the French who were in Brazilian lands and recognize the coast of the country, in order to know what the Brazilian territory really was, in accordance with the Treaty of Tordesillas.
But this was not an easy expedition. They arrived in Bahia and went down the coast. According to historical documents, “Martim Afonso de Sousa faced many storms”. Starved and weathered storms. It was only after much effort that they reached São Vicente, on January 22, 1532.
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Question 1 - In “São Vicente, cradle of democracy”, the highlighted expression:
( ) explains the noun “São Vicente”.
( ) questions the noun “São Vicente”.
( ) characterizes the noun “São Vicente”.
Question 2 - The term underlined plays the role of noun in the sentence:
( ) “If you thought of “São Vicente”, he was right.”
( ) “Of course, from then on to becoming the City which is today […]"
( ) “They arrived in Bahia and went down the coast.”
Question 3 - Identify the passage that has a noun word:
( ) “[…] the expedition of the navigator Gaspar Lemos was in Brazilian soil.”
( ) “[…] expel the French who were in Brazilian lands […]”
( ) “[…] to find out what the Brazilian territory really was […]”
Question 4 – Underline the proper noun that makes up this fragment:
“This municipality of São Paulo was first sighted and baptized by the Portuguese in the year […]”
Question 5 - In the excerpt “[…] a large squadron of 5 ships and about 400 men […]”, there is a collective noun. Point it out:
( ) "squad"
( ) "ships"
( ) "men"
Question 6 – “[…] led by the captain Martim Afonso de Sousa”. The plural of the underlined noun is:
( ) "captains"
( ) "captains"
( ) "captains"
Question 7 – Point out the alternative in which the highlighted noun was correctly classified:
( ) "In the year 1530, the King of Portugal, which at the time was D. João III […]” (proper noun)
( ) “[…] how to discover mines from gold and silver […]” (concrete noun)
( ) "[…] according to Treaty of Tordesillas.” (compound noun)
Question 8 – In the segment "Hungry […]", the abstract noun "hunger" designates:
( ) an action
( ) a state
( ) a sensation
Question 9 – In the sentence “[…] crossed storms.”, the noun “storm” performs the syntactic function of:
( ) subject
( ) direct object
( ) indirect object
Question 10 – “It was only after a lot of effort that they reached São Vicente […]”. It can be said that the use of the crase before the noun “São Vicente” is:
( ) prohibited
( ) optional
( ) mandatory
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.