The origin of the term paradigm goes back to the Greek “paradeigma” that is to say standard, or. model to follow. Generally, a group or a society dictates the rules and limits. that determine the way of thinking or acting of each individual. These standards are. paradigms.
Check out the full definition of the term paradigm below.
According to the Portuguese online dictionary, paradigm. means:
Examples of sentences with the word paradigm:
“Life is the paradigm. of words”.
– Alessandro Manzoni
“I don't know if Brazil is. even developed countries are ready for such a paradigm shift”.
Folha de S.Paulo, 27/08/2009
“It's a difficult one. society breaks a paradigm and breaks out of a developed belief system e. preached for so many centuries.”
Folha de S.Paulo, 10/27/2009
“Chileans don't. they want educational improvements within the same paradigm, but a change. radical in the education model”.
Folha de S.Paulo, 31/08/2011
See too: Proactivity concepts.
The word paradigm initially appeared in the theory created by. Ferdinand de Saussure. In sign theory, in Linguistics, he related the. set of elements that constitute the language with the sign.
In this case, the paradigm is the set of linguistic elements. that can happen in the same environment or context. These elements are. replaced by others occupying the same position.
In mid-1922, physicist Thomas Samuel Kuhn quoted. paradigm in his book “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions”, where he relates. the word with scientific achievements that generate a pattern and guide the. development of further research.
In other words, in scientific terms, the paradigm is the theory or the. acquired knowledge that serves as a model for further research.
educational paradigm
An educational paradigm is a model used in the field of. education. This model is usually a pedagogical practice that starts one. chain of similar learning, and that impact the student.
Generally, a model or paradigm used by the mentor will have a great influence on the student's life, being taken later on. next generations of apprentices.
The paradigm in the professional area is the equalization of salaries. according to their functions. Registered by law, article 461 of the CLT. (Consolidation of Labor Laws) states that “the same function, performed with. the same value, for the same employer, in the same workplace, should be. remunerated equally, irrespective of age, nationality or gender”.
The Cartesian paradigm preaches the concept that one. totality can only be known if it is analyzed individually, by. parts.
In the case of the programming paradigm, the programmer himself is. responsible for the pattern used in a problem solving, giving. structure and vision so that it solves a certain program error.
There are four main types of paradigms. schedule:
What sets these patterns apart are the techniques that make them. models allow or prohibit.
Each area gives a different connotation to the paradigm. complexity. This term appears in:
Depending on the strand you are in, the connotation of. complexity is different. This theory is also known as da thinking. complexity or complexity challenge. The complexity paradigm aims. establish a connection of all these disciplines without, however, spreading them.
“Paradigm (from the Greek. Paradeigma) literally model, is the representation of a pattern to be followed. It is a philosophical assumption, matrix, that is, a theory, a knowledge that. originates the study of a scientific field; a scientific achievement with methods. and values that are conceived as a model; an initial reference as the basis of. model for studies and research.”
Have you ever heard the phrase break the paradigm? This phrase. indicates that a new model or standard has been established. Usually this term is. related to traditional business models that are replaced by another. innovative.
A paradigm is often imprinted on the mind, especially the subconscious. That is why it is essential to break bad paradigms. and replace them with good paradigms. An old paradigm, but one that remains. hammering a lot in our mind is: "money does not bring happiness".
This kind of paradigm affects all our actions e. decisions, bearing in mind that no matter how much money you receive, it doesn't. will bring with it happiness. This comes with inner peace.
There is nowadays even a professional who works. these types of paradigms – coaching.
A lot of the stuff that goes on in our mind is gone. transmitted to us while we were still children. Paradigms such as:
They usually follow us through adult life. If types of. paradigms that were nurtured in our child minds are good, that's it. patterns that we carry in adult life. However, the opposite is also true. Bad patterns are hard to break, leading to a train of thought. sometimes negative.
Coaching helps you. individual to reprogram their paradigms and break the pre-established patterns. in mind for so many years. This is the meaning of breaking a paradigm – the. disconnection from a pattern or pattern that has taken hold of the subconscious e. replacement by new innovative thoughts.
Breaking a paradigm, therefore, is associated with positive changes, in which the person or company will benefit as they make room for innovative ideas or concepts
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