Portuguese activity, aimed at 7th grade students, aims to study the connecting verbs, through the fable “The frog and the bull".
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A large bull strolled along the bank of a stream.
The frog was very envious of its size and strength.
Then it began to swell, making an enormous effort, trying to get as big as the bull.
He asked his brook mates if he was the size of the bull. They said no.
The frog swelled and swelled again. Still it didn't reach the size of the bull.
For the third time he tried to swell; and he did it so hard that he exploded out of jealousy.
Ruth Rocha. The frog and the bull. In: ____. “Aesop's Fables”. 10. Ed. São Paulo: FTD, 1999.
Question 1 - Predominates in the text:
a) the defense of an idea.
b) the description of the characters.
c) the exposition of a thought.
d) the narration of an event.
Question 2 - The purpose of the text read is:
Question 3 - Identify the alternative in which the highlighted verb is a link:
a) “A great bull walked by the bank of a stream.
b) “He asked his stream companions if was the size of the bull."
c) "They replied that not.”
d) “Not yet reached the size of the bull."
Question 4 – In “The frog stayed with great envy of its size […]”, the underlined verb expresses:
a) a characteristic of the frog.
b) an action of the frog.
c) a state of the frog.
d) a way of being of the frog.
Question 5 - The connecting verb indicates a permanent state of the frog in the prayer:
a) The frog is small.
b) The frog was very jealous.
c) The frog seemed dissatisfied with its size.
d) The frog was very swollen.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.