We selected in this post several suggestions for Halloween activities ready to print and apply to students of initial series.
Halloween is a typically American and Irish culture, but it ended up spreading across the planet, even in Brazil, adapting through the superstitions and legends of each region.
Etymologically, the word "halloween” is derived from the English expression “hallow evening“, which in Portuguese means “sacred night”.
It is believed that the festival, which took place between the 31st of October and the 1st of November, celebrated by the Celtic peoples, was called the hallow evening, being abbreviated to halloween until reaching the current form: halloween.
O Halloween or halloween is celebrated annually on the day October 31st.
In Brazil, Halloween is also celebrated at private parties, but it does not have a meaning and cultural value as strong as in the United States and other countries, especially in the Hemisphere North.
Watching horror movies (involving witches, ghosts and other scary themes, for example), turns out to be one of the most appreciated activities by people during Halloween in Brazil.
Observe the drawing carefully and answer the questions below:
Find it in the word search (5 words that remind you of Halloween):
Halloween activities at home
Similar to an egg hunt, it wraps small packets of candy corn in a hammock or uses other candy and hides for children to find.
A huge panel of balloons so the kids don't have to wait until after the congratulations to pop freely! You may leave small messages or indications of "bumps" inside the bladder to be burst.
Can't miss: children starring in a funniest race with bags up to their knees. Adults are tired of having fun in the midst of this game. How about remembering childhood memories with the little ones?!
We can use different materials to make your souvenir, check out a small list of items you can use:
Murals and Panels are an excellent suggestion to work on this theme:
Witch flying with her broom and the Cauldron.
This model is very complete: It has witch, brooms, bats, witch's cauldron, ghosts and several other symbols of Halloween.
Pumpkins coloring pages:
Monica's Gang Drawings - Halloween:
Halloween drawings:
Bat Designs for Halloween:
The first model that we are going to present to you is the very personalized word HALLOWEEN, with a drawing of a witch flying on a broom, check it out:
The other model I come to share with you is the word HALLOWEEN with the design of a pumpkin. Look:
Write a text about Vampires:
Halloween symbols are often figures related to monsters, scary characters and images that cause fear. Although many images are used on the date, tradition points to some classic symbols, as we will see in the images below.
Form sentences about these Halloween symbols.
I also recommend: Halloween reading and interpretation.
Do you believe in ghosts? Write a text on this topic. Use your imagination.
Continue the text about a little witch at school:
Also check: Why do children like fairy tales?
Write a text about the illustration at the bottom of the page Don't forget the title and be very creative:
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