History activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, with questions developed about feudalism.
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1) Regarding the concepts of slavery and servitude, it is correct to state:
I. They are synonymous and express the complete submission of one individual to another.
II. Slavery causes the transformation of the individual into a good, which means that it can be sold, bought, rented, etc. This no longer happens with the servant.
III. Serfdom existed throughout Europe during the medieval period, and in Eastern Europe and Russia it survived into the mid-19th century.
a) only I is correct.
2) “God himself willed that among men some should be lords and others servants, so that lords worship and love God, and that servants love and worship their lord, following the word of the apostle; servants, obey your temporal masters with fear and apprehension; masters, treat your servants according to justice and equity.”
(Marvin Perry. Western Civilization: A Concise History)
According to your reading of the text and your knowledge, check the correct statement regarding the feudal social order, the clergy:
a) defended a dynamic and questioning society;
b) ensured that the rights and duties of individuals were for everyone, without exception;
c) rejected the view that God's will had anything to do with social status;
d) understood that society functioned well when everyone accepted their condition and played the role assigned to each one;
e) was very interested in debating the unjust social composition of feudalism.
3) In Western Europe, the economy during the interval between the slavery crisis and the solidification of feudalism was marked by:
a) depression, which reached all sectors, causing lasting shortages and intermittent famines.
b) expansion, which was turned to agriculture, due to the drop in trade.
c) stagnation, leaving only agriculture free of it.
d) prosperity, only in the trade and craft sectors.
e) continuity, preserving old production systems.
4) In the social and cultural aspect, as the classical feudal society was characterized:
a) by the masters, who defended and supported their slaves.
b) by the dominantly secular and humanized posture in relation to life and the world.
c) by the independent relationships caused by urban and commercial development.
d) the feeling of hesitation and pessimism in the face of invasions and epidemics.
e) the modern posture generated by technological discoveries.
5) Feudalism resulted in profound changes in European society, with the following basic characteristics:
a) Livestock economy, political centralization and slave labor.
b) Developed economy, political decentralization and slavery.
c) Consumption-oriented production, political and legal fragmentation and the predominance of serfdom.
d) Market-oriented agriculture, supremacy of local power and servile relations of production.
e) Agricultural production, absolute power and slavery.
6) On feudalism in Western Europe, indicate the wrong alternative.
a) Political, social, economic and cultural form and organization based on agrarian exploitation, basically involving the nobility and the peasant population.
b) Culturally, Western Europe found in the Catholic religion a common point of reference and orientation.
c) It was in the period of the Carolingian Empire that the model of the absolutist state was consolidated.
d) Between the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries, the European economy acquired an accelerated pace of change, with the increase of agrarian production.
e) Serfdom was one of the main ways of organizing peasant labor within feudal properties.
Per Camila Farias.
At answers are in the link above the header.
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